Sunday, December 30, 2007
I think he at least lost 15kg due to his cough & viral infection, can only see the outline of his bones from his t-shirt... really didn't know what to say when I saw him open the door... too shocked for words
And when I was updating Aimei I even teared, guess I really got a shock. Luckily he's on the way of recovering.
Get well soon my friend! Though I know u don't read blogs. =P And this year round will be different cos we're going to his house for countdown instead of Aimei's! Heh
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Feeling dumb
I was thinking SGD has increased in value against pounds & Euro for the past week, was afraid that it'll drop against them, so I asked my sis to help me buy some pounds & Euros and the exchange rate she managed to get:
€1 = SG$2.115
£1 = SG$2.957
which I think is not bad actually cos I saw the exchange rate from Yahoo finance was around:
€1 ~ SG$2.110
£1 ~ SG$2.935
And now before I wanted to sleep, the exchange rate is:
€1 ~ SG$2.1005
£1 ~ SG$2.9155
quite a great difference for pounds... luckily I didn't change much (cos I wasn't feeling rich), if not I'll sure be even more pissed...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Long time no update
Anyway my trip offshore Aussie was quite fun, but I had seasick... So missed out in some of the operations, which required me to stay indoors, and staying indoors makes me feel nauseous.
And London was quite fun! Went Stonehenge! And this is the only good thing that my newer camera (but more than my old faithful Panasonic FX8):
Taking self potraits. Haha. But it's only useful when u are alone, and the people passing by u will think that u're taking photo of a weird place. Like when I took a photo of the Big Ben, like this:
There are ppl who siam the area in front of me cos they thought I'm taking photos in front of me... Haha
Anyway, short update. I permed my hair again. Lol. Expensive man, burnt a hole in my pocket. But yay, pay is coming early this month. Wahahaha
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Jet lag
I shall try to go back to sleep again, hopefully... I've dental appt at 9am...
Anyway the London trip was fun!! Will upload some photos on Facebook when I get em
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Photos from Perth & Exmouth offshore trip
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
In Perth domestic airport
So I'm now relaxing at a internet kiosk which costs AU$2/15min. Quite ok lah. My hotel one was $15/30min, siao.
Anyway I tried to walk around Perth town area but quite late yesterday liao. Reach hotel at like 4+pm, but their shops are all closed so early, like 5+... luckily my hotel isn't v far away from town, so the cab fare was only AU$12, which I think is considered cheap here. I kinda appreciate the cheap cabs in Singapore now when I'm overseas.
And everytime I ooverseas, I'll sure overlook sth minor. This time round, I missed out my windbreaker. ARGH... Summary is I bought 1 sweater at a souvenior shop in Perth town area. But quite ex ah. But I'm glad I can find one. It was like 18 to 20 degrees yesterday and with the cold wind, I was damn cold lah.
Going offshore today liao. Hopefully I can learn lotsa stuffs there. And I heard of stories of (old and not pretty) female welder's underwear being stolen on board (and of cos, she knows the person who stole it cos they are all on board!) Hope this kinda thing dun happen to me though. Hehe
Happy bday to my mother and 3rd aunt!! (Sis u can show this to em if u happen to read this, hehe) Bon voyage to my maid!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Going offshore!
Anyway I intend to take lotsa photos back, hopefully the plug on board can fit my universal adaptor!
Cya ppl next wk!
Friday, November 09, 2007
Eye for a Guy 2
Recently, if u get to watch TVMobile quite frequently, u shld have at least saw 1 episode of it.
I didn't realise that it was such a long time back until I checked my blog counter, and found out that quite a few ppl googled for "eye for a guy 2", "denise keller wolfgang bali photos" etc etc, which didn't happen for the past 2 years.
Conclusion: There are people who watch TVMobile, and becomes interested in the programmes that they screened.
Anyway I was on the bus with Zhao Yong the other day and they were screening this show. I was telling him I watched nearly the whole series when it was shown on Channel 5 last time, and said sth like it was quite sad for Howard since he can't show that he's sad nor tell his friends bout it, which is the same as what I had commented on the Jun 05 blog entry, but I totally didn't rmb that I did.
Conclusion: A blog is a good invention for you to recall what you were thinking or what happened 2 years ago. I used to write diaries, but I stopped cos I type much faster than I write. =P
Sunday, November 04, 2007
See me morph into Zhang Ziyi and Fann Wong
Monday, October 22, 2007
Live Web Cams
Killer whales @ Seaworld San Diego: Wait for the flash to load, and click on "WATCH THE SHAMU CAM". PS: In case u don't know, killer whales don't eat humans, they eat other smaller whales and sea mammals.
Pandas @ San Diego Zoo:
Most of the times, they'll be shooting a top view of 1 of the cages/rooms of the pandas, especially the Mama panda with the cub that was just born in Aug; unless u wake up in wee hours in Singapore (cos of time difference), and they might shoot the exhibition area. Anyway u can send an e-card via the web cam! How cool is that?!
Polar bears @ San Diego Zoo:
I've only managed to see the polar bear once
Apes @ San Diego Zoo:
Reminds me of the horny monkey that we saw in Taiwan's Liu Fu Chun. Eeeewwww... But anyway I've yet seen any apes from this cam.
Elephants @ San Diego Zoo:
I've only managed to see the zookeeper in the jeep passing by the cam... not the elephants yet...
Anyway, the host/server for these web cams is CamZone, and the site is here: There's still somemore web cams that u can see of San Diego, think there's 2 or 3 on beaches (Perhaps in the end Gord & Merv can see girls in bikini.)
I found the panda web cam at 1st actually, via the Windows Vista gadgets cos somebody created a gadget linking to the web cam. My sis was commenting that I'm stalking the pandas cos it was sleeping and I was staring at the web cam. Haha. But anyway along with that, found other web cams hosted by CamZone. Super cool! And yah lah, I luv animals, I watch Animal Plant & Discovery Channel one ok! My dream destination is actually South Africa. Haha
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Some teasers for London trip
Had no jet lag at all when we reached there. =D The cab fare is ridiculous... the journey from the airport to the hotel was around 1/2 hour, and it was 70 pounds, ~SG$210...
Our 1st English breakfast! The 1st one was nice, subsequently, not nice anymore, haha.
A "rubbish eater" on River Thames
The tower bridge behind me (I heard that this is the "London Bridge" our childhood song)
The Windsor Castle (with 2 ppl acting funny)! Only 15 min cab from our hotel.
A building near the castle at night, beautifully lit (not taken on the same day though, we went back the next day)
The hotel that we're in!
Having dinner at the hotel with fellow GEDS from Singapore! (I feel guilty for eating such nice food for 5 days)
and fellow GEDS from other parts of the world taken at the Ha! Ha! Bar near Windsor Castle~
The last picture was taken by a nearly-drunk guy, which explains the blur pic. Haha
The rest shld've more photos than me. I shall make a more complete blog this coming weekend!
Anyway felt so much better aft 1 day's MC, caught a flu virus during my flight back. My worst SIA flight loh... The 1st flight that I take alone and it has to be 12hours...
We left the London airport late cos it was a popular take-off time in Europe. And in the end when we were reaching Singapore, I don't know if it's the weather or if the pilot was like rushing to land, and the plane was quite jerky. Nearly puked. In the end though I didn't puke, I felt miserable the whole evening. Missed my Sammi Cheng's concert (which ironically was the reason why I took the flight back alone instead of with the other Singapore GEDS), gave the tix to Rosie instead. Felt guilty cos I got the tix from my uncle. I think I shall call and explain to em soon...
Ok, tmr will be work day! But shld be a short week for me cos Fri is Tendering's Day-Out! I heard it'll be in Sentosa. Haha
Saturday, October 06, 2007
I did It
I cried in the office.
I think I accumulated too much stress. I was lying on my bed yesterday and suddenly recalled something, "Oh shit, did I change the reference year to 2008?" And I really cursed,"Bloody hell..." So naturally, I didn't have a good night's sleep.
Then I decided to reach office early by taking bus 30 instead of 61.
I kinda teared on the bus cos I was really so stressed up. And when I reach the office and I realised I didn't have any mistakes, I was so damn relieved.
Then A had an enquiring expression on her face and she did the crying action. I walked towards her and talk abit, then I started crying.
So relieved that it was nearly over. I was trying to hide unsuccessfully and suddenly I realised everyone in my dept room knows that I'm crying.
Then OMG, A started crying. Haha.
But I tried to explain that it was tears of relief. It really was wat!
Luckily they took it quite lightly. And they did joke about it, and had a small talk on how each of the estimators deal with the stress (like throwing pens onto the table, grabbing too much hair that he become abit bald etc etc).
1 of my colleagues started saying,"Welcome to tendering dept!" and stuffs like there's more to come. Haha. Then, went for happy hours today with the engineers and they were asking me how's my life in tendering dept. Seriously, I really find it ok! I don't mind working overtime but the most impt thing is to be appreciated for the things u've done, and for this tender, my hard work paid off, cos I was praised that I'm a fast learner. Haha.
And furthermore, dinner & cab fare can be claimed if I work until after 8pm (can call for booking somemore).
And I'm even going Europe to attend engineering training, which is today loh.
I need to think bout wat stuffs to bring. Maybe I should setup a GEDs blog for my training stuffs eh? Hmmm...
Friday, October 05, 2007
Having fun at work
We do funny stuffs like this:
See if u can find me in the picture (I'm in black)! Picture taken from 9th floor and put up on our notice board and I took a photo of the picture from the notice board. =P And the time shows how late I am in office...
OT till 11pm today...
OT till 11.30pm yesterday
OT till 9.30pm on Tues
OT till 9.45pm on Monday
Hopefully I didn't make any major mistakes in my estimate...
Anyway the letters is something related to my company, an awareness day for this thing. Those in A were wearing our coveralls (A stands for my company's name)
Oh well... I shall sleep soon. Heh
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Bitching session
As some of you knows, there's this woman in my office whom we nicknamed Umbrella. She won't read my blog lah, so of cos can blog publicly. Haha
But anyway... there was a blackout last Mon afternoon, and everyone were doing their stuffs as usual, except for me, cos I was quite free and was only looking through past estimates. Then all of em were quite pissed cos they were using MS office... so I tried to console em and said, "Microsoft should have auto recovery for the files." Some went, "Oh yah!"
But guess wat Umbrella said...
"So if there's no recovery files, you'll be responsible lah?"
She was laughing/smiling when she said that but her tone was definitely not a laughing/smiling tone.
I was so shocked at that sentence, I practically stood there stunned for 3sec, while A gave me a bu shuang look (she was bu shuang of Umbrella), and L went, "What?!" At 1st I thought L really didn't hear U, but apparently, she did, and she was equally shocked at what Umbrella said.
After the 3sec, I recalled what I said and replied, "I said should, SHOULD BE."
She is crazy lah, nv save her own work, it's her own fault wat. Always looking for excuses to push the blame to. The other time we had Green Team photo taking session, she was also like that.
There was a Town Hall Meeting, which was like all the employees in the office have to gather around the main area of the office for a presentation by big ppl, and it was around 10.30am for this particular one. The team leader, P, emailed us sth like, "Pls make yourself free after the Town Hall Meeting to take a photo.", around 1 week before the THM But everyone conveniently forgot about it, haha. And P came to look for us the afternoon after the THM. Umbrella wasn't around and I told her P came to look for us for the photo taking session, and that nobody stayed after the THM to take photo.
And there she goes...
"You cannot blame me you know. He only stated 'after the Town Hall Meeting'. How would I know whether it's 11am, 12pm or 3pm?"
And I said what I know, "Oh, I understand he meant right after the Town Hall Meeting, but I forgot about it. Haha."
And there she goes again...
"He should have stated clearly in his email. I'm very sure everyone read it the same way as me."
Wahlao... what did she mean man. And pls lah, I think she has no common sense... I've asked 10 ppl bout the email, and 10 ppl thinks that same way as ME, not HER. And there was another team member whom I'm quite close too, and think the same way as me.
And quite a few things happened also but I shall stop here. Haha. Tired. I foresee another 3 days of OT before I fly for London. Zzzz....
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Happy MAF!
Here's a starter:
It's supposed to read MAF 2007, but I did the F too slow... haha. Will try to edit it a bit nicer with Fireworks (no pun intended).
Just went KTV with my colleagues and I am so tired. Zzzzz.... Shall bitch tmr bout what happened in the office this afternoon.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Time flies
But anyway, I did OT till 9pm on Thurs, giving up my Amore, which means they'll deduct 1 day from my 1 year subscription. Argh. The worse thing was they didn't use what I did on Fri. I mean I can understand why they didn't use, but I just felt not worth it.
Next time I shall only reserve a place for the lessons after 3pm.
Ok, I'll be going London from 6th Oct to 13th Oct for course~ But I've no idea what is cheap there. Can anyone tell me? =D
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Sneezing panda
It's like...
munch munch munch
xia dao
munch munch munch
And somebody actually did a spoof...
And other people made a short story about it:
Thanks to Panda Wong for showing me the sneezing panda video!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
It's time to be narcissistic
I-feel-narcissistic times.
U wanna say I act cute also can loh, but I just luv this photo. Makes me
look so happy with my Cinnamoroll. Haha
Monday, September 10, 2007
This is what I call nice
And it's not even photoshopped yet... As compared to the ones we paid
$40 per person. Grrr
Sunday, September 02, 2007
I'm sorry Evo
A very business-looking laptop which most girls won't wanna carry cos it's so heavy. But I'm glad I choose this model, it's a sturdy model & it has lasted me more than 4 years (still working now!). I rmb I paid $2.7k for it, and it was quite deal cos it was $500 off the market price. Haha. U can see the specs here:,39050488,39012940p,00.htm
And now, I'm being so bad to my faithful-old-Evo when it's starting to get old and sick, cos I bought a new laptop...
HP Pavillion tx1000. I paid $1.7k for it... using my sis's student card @ Comex. Super chio laptop, which I'm surprised that I bought a chio one instead of a power one. But it's really a good deal. U can see the specs here:,39050490,40027421p,00.htm
just that I upgraded the RAM to 2Gb and there's a free upgrade for students to 1.8Ghz processor, free 6-cell battery, and 3 years extended-warranty.
Another hole in my pocket....
And the bloody ppl didn't upgrade my RAM! I'm going to call to complain tmr. And argh... like that I've to go down Sim Lim to get my RAM done...
Oh btw, I'm a HP/Compaq supporter when it comes to desktop/laptop =P
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Giving out 1 pair mosh pit tix to Heroes World Tour 2007
I won the tickets but it's...
Date: 31st Aug 07, Fri
Time: 3pm
Venue: Vivocity
Starhub lah, sent me a redemption letter dated 24th Aug 07 but the envelope is dated 28th Aug 07... so it's Singpost's or Starhub's fault?
Wahlao! I need to work! Where got time to go? And the stupid thing is I can only go collect it on the day itself, between 12 to 3... luckily my office is near so I can drop by during lunchtime.
So if u want the tix, drop me an email at, or just sms or call me, and make sure u can meet me between 12.30 to 1 at Vivo on Fri!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
We'll miss u =D
Sent Lisheng off on Sunday night. I think he has beaten Merv for the number of people who went to send him off. (U can see the send-Merv-off entry here): His relatives, his sec sch friends, army friends, us, and even his German tutorial classmate (although there was some overlap with his sec sch friends & army friends & us, lol)! Stupid Aimei & LS, still made me quite stressed up that I'll tear, cos AM said that she might cry, and LS said he will cry if somebody cries and his mum will definitely cry.
Oh well, last attempt to get a complete picture of 7 of us but Somebody who planned the sending-off was unhappy with Jeremy (for always not reply SMSes) & asked Someone-Else to call Jeremy. Someone-Else then forgot to call Jeremy. -_- Great. But anyway I don't think Jeremy reads my blog. Lol. But ok lah, thanks to Somebody for planning (though I jio u all one, =P). Someone-Else still complain say we didn't send go to the airport to send him off when he go overseas. Aiyoh, u've nv went on a 6-mths trip wat
We're always lack of 1 person in our photos loh, so sad. And everyone in this photo smile so happily and Zhao Yong has to act dao. -_-
Read my personal blog for somemore stuffs, haha.
Ok lah, I guess we'll all miss you for the next 6 mths or so. But it's ok! I can see u in Oct in London (I hope)! Take care of urself! Don't be an ant on hot pot too! =P
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Danson Tang Yu Zhe - Zhi Qian Yi Ju Wo Ai Ni
唐禹哲 - 只欠一句我爱你
你微微的笑 温暖我心 让我有了冲劲动力
于是我又鼓起了勇气 决定又疯狂爱上你
千千万万的爱意 等不及
凉风徐徐的提醒 我和你
只欠一句我爱你 没胆亲口告诉你
想要照顾你 好好疼你WO...
只差一句你答应 点头说你也愿意
和我在一起 手牵着你 紧紧抱着你
千千万万的爱意 等不及
凉风徐徐的提醒 我和你
只欠一句我爱你 没胆亲口告诉你
想要照顾你 好好疼你WO...
只差一句你答应 点头说你也愿意
和我在一起 手牵着你 紧紧抱着你
盛夏的回忆 再偷偷的想起
你就是剩下的唯一 我站在这里
用最真的心 想对你说 请相信 我们之间距离
只欠一句我爱你 没胆亲口告诉你
想要照顾你 好好疼你
只差一句你答应 点头说你也愿意
和我在一起 手牵着你 紧紧抱着你
手牵着你 紧紧抱着你
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Please don't fall for the Hong Kong scam / JB scam
I roughly could hear that she is not a local HKian, because her Mandarin was too perfect for a HKian. I was quite suspicious of what is happening but since I have free incoming, I continued anyway. She claimed that she is from XXX company (I cannot rmb the company's name) and that the company is involved in the building of the IR in Singapore and asked me for opinions on the IR. She then continued saying that they are going to have a festival in HK & Stef Sun was invited blah blah & that the show will be on TV. I quite ignored it cos I wasn't interested.
She asked me to leave my name, and when I said I'm Eva, she asked me for my Chinese name, which she heard wrongly as Lin Yan instead of Lin Ming Yan. Then she gave me a chain of numbers, telling me that it's my lucky draw number and told me to watch TV on a particular day.
The lady was very polite throughout the whole survey & she spoke very fast, it's like reading from a script. I really ignored everything she said cos I wasn't interested. And I was quite irritated because the call lags by 2 seconds, so whenever I reply her, she only reply 2 seconds later.
A few days later the same company called me again, at an obviously noisy place, and she started with a lot of "hello"s, like trying to act as if she can't hear my properly. Then she said something like the festival is happening and asked me if I'm watching the TV. I told the person I'm working and not watching. Can't really remember if there was anything that she said. Come to think of it, why the hell is the festival happening IN THE AFTERNOON?! -_-
Early last week, they called me again and I got really pissed, because they called during my working hours again and the call is freaking laggy! So I just said, "Can you all stop calling me?! U've already called me a few times!" She apologised and hanged up the phone.
The weird thing is...
I received another unknown call again, late last week. This time round they called to ask regarding (if I nv rmb wrongly) about education level. And they claimed that they are from this electronic company in JB, which I rmb as wei1 pu3. As usual I helped with the survey, but I didn't think that the previous HK survey is related to this. At the end of the call, she asked me for my name and as usual, and she also heard as Lin Yan. I repeated that my name is Lin Ming Yan, and she repeated after me. She then said I've a chance to join their lucky draw after I helped them with the survey. I didn't really take note of it also and hang up the phone.
Here comes the latest news.
The "JB company" called me again TODAY. She asked me if I'm Lin Yan. I was busy with work so I just said yes. Then she told me that I've won the 3rd prize for their lucky draw and asked me if I can make it by 6pm to this *&^%$#@ shopping centre in JB. I was like, "Huh? I'm in Singapore..." And she said one of her company's person will call again.
Just now I was telling my parents bout the weird JB company, and my father told me it's most prob a scam cos some HK scam just appeared in the papers My sister then went,"Huh? They called you one, they don't know you're in Singapore meh, rubbish..." Then it striked me, didn't really notice that cos I was working, and now everything seems to link....
Because they called me and I just flared up @ em, so now they use another company's name and call me! That is why the "JB company" kept my name is Lin Yan. How dumb...
Anyway, I bet the "JB company" will call again, then I shall ask what my sister asked me about. =P
Anyway then I went to look at local news for the article that my father was talking about, cos he couldn't find the article in the newspapers. Then I found this on, dated 17th Aug... Exactly leh! The article mentioned that they also use Stef Sun!!
Anyway ppl, just be careful lah. In case kena scam. At least now you all know the warnings is not fake.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Me? Me? Me?
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
My manager actually asked me on Fri, if I'm agreeable to a transfer to the tender dept, doing cost estimation. I thought it sounded interesting, since my FYP is kinda related. Then I said ok, assuming that it'll be of a short period.
Then she went, "I think it's good if u be there for between 1 to 1.5 years"
And I was quite surprised. But luckily, meanwhile, I'll still be attending the trainings that she planned for me, including my cpy's GEDS (stands for Graduate Engineers Development Scheme), which kicks off in Oct.
She then told me that she'll confirm the transfer and get back to me.
Yesterday, the HR asked me up for a short 5-min talk, and I was told the transfer most prob will take place 2 wks later, and I've to meet the tender dept manager the next day (aka today).
Today I met the tender dept manager, nice guy, and he seems quite impressed when I showed him my thesis. Seems like what I'll be doing is really related to my FYP. The tender dept manager told me I might be transferred next week. When I told him that I was told by the HR that I'll be transferred 2 wks later, he told me that was what he told the HR cos he was not sure if this cost estimator is around to train me or not.
Later in the afternn, this cost estimator came to look for me, gave me a manual of the software that I'll be using, and told me it's better for me to read the manual before he starts training me next wk.
So yah loh, next wk onwards I'll be a cost estimator. My engin dept female colleagues sound like they'll miss me. Haha
Oh! And I went happy hours with some of colleagues last Fri. I wanted to leave aft the 1st place, but 3 guys (B, Dom & P) kinda pushed me forward to prevent me from "escaping".
And I took a picture of the 2nd place we went, which was near Rouge. Quite a nice place and there was this cute waitress named Jamaica.
The guys were commenting that she's cute and Dom even asked Jamaica if she can give him her dimples. That's when I realised Dom & K has dimples too, but only on 1 side. Haha.
Anyway aft the 2nd and 3rd place, B & P were really quite drunk and they were behaving funnily. It's like normally in the office they look so serious, and after some drinks, they become "animal" or "superman", which is the nicknames that they gave each other. And D had a flight back to Perth the next day's morning @ 9am, but he drank till he had a headache.
Me too, I drank till I was a bit dizzy, could still walk straight. We went home @ ard 1+am, but Dor continued staying with her sis-in-law & friends. She's like a 30+ to 40+ lady, who wears baggy t-shirt, u'll think she's not the type who will go chiong. But ok, she is. Haha. K can really drink man... luckily he wasn't drank, cos when I was going to get into the cab, B said sth like I'll be the leader for the rest of the night and nearly wanted to follow me into the cab. K then said sth like, "No, Eva will go home." Haha. I mean they won't do me harm, but I cannot imagine handling drunkards...
And I drank until I've alcohol rash, even until today. Damn itchy lah. Have to tell myself to stop scratching. Either I had an overdose of alcohol, or I'm allergic to gin...
I think drinking lydat really kinda spoils ur health. I told K that I'll join em only once in a month cos of my rashes. Terrible experience. Next time I shall not drink gin and see if it's overdosage or the gin...
Monday, August 06, 2007
Photos update 2: My Daily Life
Went on an OPITO BOSIET course (the 2 acronyms stands for super long names that I can't rmb, but just rmb it's an offshore safety course) from 17th to 19th Jul. Was quite fun, but the 3rd day was quite scary.
Day 1
Learnt how to operate a mini-oxygen tank that can last for 5 to 6 min. Went thru this container 3 times, 1st time with the lights on, w/o the oxygen mask, 2nd time with the lights off & with the oxygen mask, 3rd time with synthetic smoke & the oxygen mask.
We had to crawl for ard 5m in this container. And during the lights-off, I accidentally pulled the tube away from the tank when I was crawling but I didn't know. So I stopped halfway, and went out from the emergency exit.
And the xia suay part was, we had our helmet over our oxygen mask and the frantic-and-without-oxygen-me, tried to take out the oxygen mask before I take off my helmet. The instructor then went, "Relax! Take off ur helmet 1st." OOPS. Haha.
Later on we learnt how to use fire extinguishers and the usage of different extinguishers on different types of fires.
Day 2
We had our training at off-coast Changi beach on a barge. Quite nice view, with all the private yatches.

But ok, can't really see my face. Haha.
We learnt about emergency abondonment of the vessel, usage of the life jacket, how to position ur body when u're being saved, and how to minimise heat lost when u're in the waters.
And I got a bit sea sick today. Oops. Haha
Day 3
I ate motion sickness pills today before leaving the course centre for the barge, just in case. =P
Today we had to learn how to escape from a "helicopter", which is actually a small container with a winch on top to control it...
- Get on the heli raft from the helicopter that has safely landed on the water and is floating
- Swim out of the heli that has sank, w/o breathing aid
- Swim out of the heli that has sank thru the other exit, with the breathing aid
- Open the window of the heli that has sank, swim out thru the window, with the breathing aid
- Swim out of the heli that has sank and turned 180° vertically, w/o breathing aid
- Swim out of the heli that has sank and turned 180° vertically thru the other exit, with the breathing aid
- Swim out of the heli that has sank and turned 180° vertically, swim out thru the window, with the breathing aid, get up the heli raft from the waters

This is the barge where I had the training. Quite nice view eh?

Coincidently, there are some of my company's ppl from Jarkarta who came for the course & I may see em the next time I go offshore.
Ok that's the end of the offshore training course. Now on to my life...
Of cos lah, on 28th Jul I became 23 years old~ Watched The Simpsons with Aimei, Lisheng & Zhao Yong, a nice show! And it was lucky we got a super big theatre & it was only like 1/8 occupied! We could laughed super loud. Haha

Oh and here's my bday present from my sis~

And we celebrated my bday & Jen's bday on 13th Jul. Once again, we've forgotten about Gord! HAHA. Oops. Here's the super nice cake:

On 25th Jul, went dinner with Cousin Ying at this organic restaurant at Tampines, her treat for my bday~ Heh, thanks hor. And the food is not bad. The mushroom soup has a tint of lavender taste, quite special.

And my colleagues actually celebrated my bday for me on 27th Jul~ Super shocked. Cos it was a surprise celebration, I didn't bring my handphone to the pantry to take photo, but here's the leftover slice of cake:

Conclusion is my cake-cutting skills is not good @ all. Must be depend on Jiali too much. Haha.
And of cos! Me and my sis went to SHE's Fun Party Concert on my bday~

I shall upload the concert photos soon.
I think I'll update till here. Time to sleep~ Oh! Before I end... here's the last photo of the day... the photo of the photos on my office table =D U can click to view it larger!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Photos update 1: Graduate loh!
I feel so relaxed to be at home for dinner on a Saturday & 1 whole day @ home on Sunday. I think it has been weeks since I've done that! So here are some of the super duper overdued photos...
1st up, the commencement photos taken with my camera, and I realised there's v little only. Sad case...
My aunt & mother~ They insisted that we should take photos with the balloon. -_-
With my mother, at the dressing room
Cailing's tortoise & my Cinnamoroll~
My CE ex-4-singles club~
Ok, now I shall test out my Picasa

And some group photos:
Then of cos, my fellow same-FYP-sup-mate, Yancui aka Ah Mah!
Oh and I nearly 4got that I took pictures with Ah Mah & Prof Vladan on poster presentation day!
And here's the photo of NUS CE Class 2007!

I don't know if I've shown u all these but here's a graduation video done by some CE ppl. Though got my ugly pix, all thanx to Kel Koh -_-, I think it's really well done!
I gradute loh~
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Valen Hsu - Hao Ting
许茹芸 - 好听
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
New way of blogging
Using Mail-to-blogger. Haha.
Testing-out entry. =D
Monday, July 16, 2007
I should have done this earlier
Later on, we started to talk about other stuffs which I forgot what already, and she said sth like "10 years" again, this time round "nearly 11 years leh!". Then I said, "Do we have to use numbers for our friendship? If u want numbers, I've friends who I've known for 16 years & still in contact with." And she apologised.
Maybe I shld've said that earlier, then I won't be so pissed off.
Not making comments when I shld will make me explode one fine day.
Anyway talking bout Fri... I took 1/2 day leave cos of the stupid Mio (and my stupid sister who went to watch Harry Potter & ignore me when I ask her to come home instead). Turn out that their server was down, and all they had to do was to reset their server, and viola!, my Mio is back. I don't even needed any technicians to come down to my house, and they actually sent 2 (read this: T-W-O) technicians! -_-
Wasted my 1/2 day leave. Was angry with Singtel and my sis. But my sis was clever enough cos she went to buy me my bday present. Ok, u're forgiven. Shall post the picture of my present when I hang it on my office table. Heh
Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday the 13th
I hope there's no unlucky things happening...
But yesterday (since 12midnight is already over), I went to my company's warehouse @ Loyang to collect my PPEs. I actually wanted to walk around that place cos my manager told me there are some vessels there which I can take a look if I'm interested.
But when I was about to step out of the Loyang's office.... it rained. Oh well
And when I reached home @ 9+, my Mio was down, completely... my internet... my home phone. Called up the hotline & they told me the only slot available for the technician to come down today will be 2pm to 4pm.
Me: Is it possible to be in the morning because my father will only be at home at that time?
Singtel: I'm sorry Miss Lim, the only time available tmr is 2 to 4. Other than that I'm afraid u would have to wait till next week
Wah! So many Mio problems around?! Super suay lah. Thinkin of taking 1/2 day leave bah. See how.
Anyway I'm using Starhub's free cable now, cos I got a free cable modem with my PC. Wahahaha. Now I can use Starhub's cable internet for 60 days for free! Haha
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I'm not going offshore anymore in next wk cos there's no more available local slots this wk for an essential offshore safety training course, and my manager is not comfortable with me going to JB alone to take the course.
So yap, I'm not going to be in the seas of Vietnam next wk, but I may have to go offshore somewhere else in Aug or Sept
Graduate loh!
Feel so good to see so many familiar faces around, classmates & lecturers... Take pictures, throwing our motarboard in the air...
Sometimes when u've a small cohort, it's actually not bad cos u know almost everyone. Heh. But I realised there r some ppl whom I don't know. Either it's me or them who skipped too many lects. Haha.
Well, there are some funny stuffs that happened, like someone who was yawning and was coincidently caught on the camera, during the speech of the valedictorian. Haha
Wait till they post up the downloadable versions of the webcast, then I'll save it up. I hope they won't censor the webcasts!
Happy graduation to all my frens!!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
(My) Life is full of dilemmas
17th Jul to 31st Jul... 2 weeks. I gotta know a lady from the HSE dept, and when I told her bout it, she said "Wah, u very brave leh."
Ok, I know all of u will ask me to go, I want to too, but...
- Quite short notice for me...
- S.H.E is coming to Singapore ON MY BDAY! 28TH JUL!! Ok, don't gimme the duh face. Haha
- Of cos, spending my bday on the vessel is quite sad
- My period
Should I flip a coin? Or shld I just say yes? I think I'll settle with askin my manager who else is going, then decide.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
1st up, went back NUS to collect my convo gown on Thurs. Carol, Merv, Gord, Jimmy and Joo went Vivo to catch Transformer (with Jiali) and they dropped by the bus stop opp my office & fetch me to school. Reminds me of the times when all of us are in Jimmy's car. =)
Saw quite a few familiar faces. I was still thinkin I shld queue and get my stuffs 1st then wait for the rest of the CE ppl, but the queue is so fast! In the end all of us waited for Qiulin. Haha. The 10 of us decided on Pizza Hut for dinner instead of Botak Jones cos there's air-con. The whole place was filled with us when the Geotech lab gang came in. Haha. Everyone seems to have different job scopes, kinda fun when everyone talks about it.
Then came Fri where I met the other NUS gang ppl, but we didn't bring camera sia! Ate at Marina's CoffeeClub. For the 1st time Amy's food is the nicest. Haha. And the mudpie that Jimmy, Merv and me shared had a piece of ice in it, so Jimmy said sth like "Aye quick quick! Eat somemore then complain!" Coincidently a waiter walked behind Jimmy, and apparently he heard Jimmy's plot. HAHA. But we complained anyway, in the end they took off the mudpie from our order. BOOHOO! I wanna eat more!
Then me, Amy, Cai & Jiali went Orchard for midnight shopping. Not v fantastic leh. Most Wisma shops were closed, even though Tangs was opened, Tangs stuffs are ex mah. Hai... So sad....
Then on Saturday, went Chinatown with Aimei to buy CD & went MacDonalds House to get my Citibank vouchers. Free pint of Gelare ice cream, 1 tall Starbucks latte and more! Shuangness man. Later on met Jen @ Carrefour to buy some food n drinks for the stadium closing ceremony. Anyway, we missed half of the ex-Singapore vs ex-Msia match. But that match was quite boring lah. Come to think of it, it's the 1st match I watch in the stadium!! Haha.
I think I'll upload the pix tmr, my lappie, after 4 years, is finally giving me some problems. Boohoo!! Pls don't die so fast!
Have you....
Saw this on Ruilin's blog and I decided to do it. =D
[ ] I have read a lot of books.
[ ] I have been on some sort of varsity team.
[ ] I have run more than 2 miles without stopping.
[ ] I have been to
[ ] I have been to
[ 1 ] I have watched cartoons for hours.
[ ] I have tripped UP the stairs. [I wonder how Ruiling tripped UP the stairs… =/]
[ ] I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs.
[ ] I have been snowboarding/skiing.
[ 2 ] I have played ping pong.
[ ] I swam in the ocean.
[ ] I have been on a whale watch.
[ 3 ] I have seen fireworks.
[ 4 ] I have seen a shooting star
[ ] I have seen a meteor shower. [Tried to, but didn't see =()
[ 5 ] I have almost drowned.
[ 6 ] I have been so embarrassed I wanted to disappear.
[ 7 ] I have listened to one CD over and over and over again.
[ ] I have had stitches.
[ ] I have had frostbite.
[ ] I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there.
[ 8 ] I have stayed up 'til 2 doing homework/projects.
[ 9 ] I currently have a job.
[ ] I have been ice skating.
[ 10 ] I have been roller blading. [I tried to roller-blade when I was young, but I could only walk, haha]
[ ] I have fallen flat on my face.
[ 11 ] I have tripped over my own two feet.
[ ] I have been in a fist fight.
[ 12 ] I have watched the Power Rangers. [My childhood]
[ ] I attend Church regularly.
[ 13 ] I have played truth or dare.
[ 14 ] I have already had my 16th birthday.
[ 15 ] I have already had my 17th birthday.
[ 16 ] I've called someone stupid.
[ 17 ] I've been in a verbal argument.
[ 18 ] I've cried in school.
[ 19 ] I've played basketball on a team. [Eh… inter-class only. Haha]
[ ] I've played baseball on a team.
[ ] I've played football on a team.
[ ] I've played soccer on a team.
[ ] I've done cheerleading on a team.
[ ] I've played softball on a team.
[ 20 ] I've played volleyball on a team. [Eh… also inter-class, but Ruilin & Wenyi did most of the job. Hehe]
[ ] I've played tennis on a team.
[ ] I've been on a track or cross country team.
[ 21 ] I've been swimming more than 20 times in my life.
[ ] I've bungee jumped.
[ ] I've climbed a rock wall.
[ ] I've lost more than $20.
[ 22 ] I've called myself an idiot.
[ 22 ] I've called someone else an idiot.
[ 23 ] I've cried myself to sleep.
[ ] I've had (or have) pets.
[ 24 ] I've owned a Spice Girls CD. [I think u ppl are shocked, but that is surprisingly, my 1st CD, not Jeff Chang's one, haha, cos I got a $20 MPH voucher from some competition in the class]
[ ] I've owned a Britney Spears CD.
[ ] I've owned an N*Sync CD.
[ ] I've owned a Backstreet Boys CD.
[ ] I've mooned someone.
[ ] I have sworn at someone of authority before.
[ ] I've been in the newspaper.
[ 23 ] I've been on TV. [For 1 or 2 seconds, haha]
[ ] I've been to
[ 24 ] I've eaten sushi.
[ ] I've been on the other side of a waterfall.
[ 25 ] I've watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies.
[ ] I've watched all the Harry Potter movies. [On the contrary, I've nv every watched any]
[ ] I've watched all of the Rocky movies.
[ ] I've watched the 3 stooges.
[ ] I've watched "Newlyweds" Nick & Jessica.
[ 26 ] I've watched Looney Tunes. [Another of my childhood]
[ ] I've been stuffed into a locker/I have stuffed others into lockers.
[ ] I've been called a geek.
[ 27 ] I've studied hard for a test and got a bad grade.
[ 28 ] I've not studied at all for a test and aced it.
[ ] I've hugged my mom within the past 24 hrs.
[ ] I've hugged my dad within the past 24 hours.
[ 29 ] I've met a celebrity/music artist. [I've met quite a few actually, haha]
[ 30 ] I've written poetry. [But I haven't done that for the last 10 years, I've only done that during lit classes]
[ ] I've been arrested.
[ ] I've been attracted to someone much older than me.
[ ] I've been tickled till I've cried.
[ ] I've tickled someone else until they cried.
[ 31 ] I've had/have siblings.
[ ] I've been to a rock concert.
[ 32 ] I've listened to classical music and enjoyed it.
[ 33 ] I've been in a play. [Inter-class drama competition, which I don't know why we got into the finals, but during finals we did badly cos most of the main chars were overseas]
[ ] I've been picked last in gym class.
[ ] I've been picked first in gym class.
[ ] I've been picked in that middle-range in gym class.
[ 34 ] I've cried in front of my friends.
[ ] I've read a book longer than 1,000 pages.
[ ] I've played Halo 2.
[ ] I've freaked out over a sports game.
[ ] I've been to
[ 35 ] I've been to
[ ] I've been to
[ 36 ] I've been to
[ ] I've had a fight with someone on AIM. [I wonder who owns a AIM account in
[ ] I've had a fight with someone face-to-face.
[ 37 ] I've had serious conversations on any IM.
[ 38 ] I've forgiven someone who has done something wrong to me.
[ 39 ] I've been forgiven.
[ ] I've screamed at a scary movie. [I don't watch scary movies, haha]
[ ] I've cried at a chick flick.
[ ] I've watched a lot of action movies.
[ 40 ] I've screamed at the top of my lungs.
[ ] I've been to a rap concert.
[ ] I've been to a hip hop concert.
[ ] I've lived in more than 2 houses.
[ 41 ] I've driven on the highway/been on the highway.
[ ] I've driven more than 40 miles in a day/been in a car that went more than 40 miles in a day
[ ] I've been in a car accident.
[ ] I've done drugs.
[ 42 ] I've been homesick.
[ 43 ] I've thrown up.
[ ] I've puked on someone.
[ ] I've been horseback riding.
[ ] I've filled out more than 10 myspace/LJ surveys.
[ ] I've spoken my mind in public.
[ 44 ] I've proved someone wrong.
[ 45 ] I've been proven wrong by someone.
[ ] I've broken a leg.
[ ] I've broken an arm/fingers.
[ ] I've fallen off a swing.
[ ] I've swung on a swing for more than 30 minutes straight.
[ ] I've watched Winnie the Pooh movies.
[ ] I've forgotten my backpack when I've gone to school.
[ ] I've lost my backpack.
[ ] I've come close to dying.
[ ] I've seen someone die.
[ 46 ] I've known someone who has died.
[ ] I've wanted to be an actor/actress at some point.
[ ] I've done modeling.
[ ] I've forgotten to brush my teeth some mornings.
[ 47 ] I've taken something/someone for granted.
[ 48 ] I've realized how good my life is.
[ ] I've counted my blessings.
[ 49 ] I've made fun of a classmate.
[ 50 ] I've been asked out by someone and I said no.
[ 51 ] I've slapped someone in the face.
[ ] I've been skateboarding.
[ 52 ] I've been back stabbed by someone I thought was a friend.
[ 53 ] I've lied to someone to their face.
[ 54 ] I've told a little white lie.
[ ] I've taken a day off from school just so I don't go insane.
[ 55 ] I've fainted.
[ ] I've had an argument with someone about whether cheerleading is a sport or not.
[ ] I've pushed someone into a pool.
[ ] I've been pushed into a pool.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Pirates 3
Oh well... it was quite cheem show for me, cos there's some stuffs that I did not understand.
The monkey is SUPER DUPER CUTE!! I was still wondering how they trained the monkey to shiver when they were @ an icy place near the end of the world. Then I read it from Wikipedia that the monkey was on a vibrator box. HAHA. Cheat my feelings. But nonetheless, it looks real
I must say the special effects are really good. I still have the feeling that the part where Calypso broke down into crabs, was fully because they want to show the good special effects they can do. No reason why it's crabs! I mean ok, she's the sea goddess, but can be fish, prawns, lobster, why crabs??
Ok lah, but I really quite enjoyed the show, cos of the cute monkeys (there were actually 2 monkeys who acted as Monkey Jack), some of the humourous plots and the special effects.
And it was the 1st time I paid $9.50 for a show lah! So expensive! But we couldn't watch this during wkdays cos the show is 3 hours long...
I shall refrain myself to only 1 $9.50 show per month! So damn ex. Haha
Monday, June 18, 2007
Anyway for the past wk I've been reading on the guidelines & reports of the company.... Haven't really done much...
And the colleagues there... they don't talk when they are working, so the office is actually v quiet... Luckily the 2 female engineers who came in with me are quite friendly & we always go lunch together. Heh
Anyway... Here's the name tag on my desk!
Haha. I shall decorate my desk within this week, put nice pictures on my table. =D Suggestions of the photos to be put on my desk are welcomed!