Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Kiasuism in Singapore

One day, a German Florist came to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he paid the barber and the Barber replied: "I am sorry, I cannot accept money from you, I am doing community service. The Florist was happy and left the shop. The next morning when the barber went to his shop, he found a Thank You card and a dozen roses waiting at his door.

A British Baker came for a haircut and he wanted to pay the Barber and the Barber gave the same reply. The Baker was happy and left the shop. The next morning the Barber received a Thank You card and a dozen donuts.

A Singaporean went for a haircut and he wanted to pay the Barber and he gave him the same reply. The Singaporean was, of course, very happy and left the shop. The next morning the Barber was surprised to see......

A dozen Singaporeans waiting for a haircut.

Probably that's y I wanna book an Aloha chalet on 30th & 31st (Sat & Sun) & I can't. Singaporeans are kiasu.... Civil servant can start bookin the chalets 3 mths b4 the booking date, while members of public can do so 2 mths b4... So 1 mth b4 the booking date is considered late... Oh well....

Anyway work was boring... I only sorted & filed invoices today. Luckily my colleagues are quite nice ppl, so it's not so bad! =)

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