... says:Irukshi cute or not
christine @ orion-ed. says:of cos
... says:look at the thief look in my pic
(referring to his user pic)
christine @ orion-ed. says:it's irucshe
christine @ orion-ed. says:haha
christine @ orion-ed. says:damnnnnnn cute larrr
... says:i miss bullying her
christine @ orion-ed. says:haha..i tot it shld be u miss her bullying u
christine @ orion-ed. says:haha
... says:wonder how she doing now
christine @ orion-ed. says:i wonder if she misses us
... says:dunno leh
... says:kids forget easily
... says:10 years from now when she grow up she will doubt if we ever went to her hometown b4
christine @ orion-ed. says:i think so too..
christine @ orion-ed. says:sigh
that was a conversation between me and weihan.
i didnt expect him to say that.
i didnt expect him to put irucshe as his user pic.
sweet. :)
dunno if anyone understds what i'm trying to say.
i miss the ppl so much. :(
Seriously speaking, I didn't expect WH to do that too, so I was quite shocked when I read the entry on Chris's blog.
MayB I already missed it once I stepped onto the bus that will bring us from Balapitiya to Colomobo. Well, like a Chinese phrase goes... 天下无不散之宴席 (which literally means there's no banquet that wouldn't end), everything comes to an end eventually.
From my blog's dashboard, I found out that I've been toking bout the trip or posting pictures taken during the trip for nearly all the entries. This made me realised that I keep thinkin bout the things in Sri Lanka and might sometimes kept blabbering bout our lives over there and start comparing the prices of stuffs over there as compared to Singapore to my frenz. I hope they can tahan that for a while more, until I don't miss there that much.
It started raining heavily at 1+am juz now and I start wondering whether the monsoon season has arrived and started to think bout the villagers in Balapitiya, whether it's raining heavily over the past days and whether our beds and shelves can tahan until now. Kinda funny tot but well, the reason for us to build the beds and shelves is cos the monsoon season is coming. If there's no beds for em, they'll have to sleep on the floor and when the monsoon comes in, they'll be sleeping in water.
Think every1's missing Sri Lanka, but we can only recall it from our memories. Can't wait to get hold of the photo cd-rom and develop the photos.
Arrgghhh. I can't even print out the photos (that was taken from my camera) now cos my IP3000 is on service. YES!!! I bought it for barely 4months and it died on me. The technician told me the feeder is spoilt, and the only reason is alignment of the papers that I insert. Quite DUH by it. But then... it only spoiled when my sister used it... So apparently it's not my fault? Hmmmm..... Muz be my sis liao lar, she's the destroyer. Everytime our PC spoils, it was she who was using it. Haha. Anyway.... the printer has gone for 1 week already!! I wonder when the technician will call me again. I want my printer that has think-tanks technology and automatic duplex system back!!!! (Yap! I'm trying to hao lian my printer cos I luv it so much, haha)
Btw, I bought this super duper cute 10" Baby Eeyore plush toy for myself on Sat for $9.90 at Mini Toons.

Isn't it adorable??!!

Can u see the shirt with the letter "E" (E for Eva, haha)? This photo's too dark I think.
I showed to my sis aft I came back from shopping. And she asked me, "Where's the Eeyore that I gave u?" Then I suddenly realised I dunno where is that Eeyore plush toy she gave me!! And I didn't even took a picture of it before!!! I concluded that I've lost it when I'm trying to bring the plush toy over from home to hall. I felt so guilty... I hope it's somewhere in the house....
My sis asked me also, "How come u like Eeyore so much ah?" I also dunno!!!! I replied, "I juz like Eeyore lor... MayB it's blue in colour?" My sis gave me a duh look. Then juz now @ Ah Mah's house, Timothy wanted to watch Disney Playhouse channel on SCV cos there was Winnie the Pooh cartoons. Then I realised... Eeyore is actually more of grey instead of blue... No wonder I like Baby Eeyore more.... 'cos Baby Eeyore is in blue!! Haha.
Ok... I think I'm getting the crappy mood... I was talking nonsense to Joo juz now on MSN bout bears and pandas. Haha. Shall go sleep now since it's 2.53am. Sheesh... my sleeping pattern's not good. I should sleep earlier lest my mother keep nagging me to do so.
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