Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.
cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
if you can raed tihs psas it on !!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Suay suay suay
Last year's 1st sem was also suay for me... I've a feeling it's a norm for my 1st sem to be more suay than 2nd sem... But for me... The year 2006 has really been quite suay...
I was on the phone with my design project grp mate, Wang Chen, on the bus on my way home on Thurs. When I got down the bus I dropped the hp pouch that Aimei bought for me from Thailand. BOOHOO. And on the same day, I found out my card reader was spoilt... which means I can't use my SD card as thumbdrive!
And how bout struggling to transport the damn DJ console for CE day?
And during my 3 mths in ST, I missed the damn company bus by less than 1min for more than 3 times.
And a fren juz tried to console me on MSN:
XXX says (12:23):
dun worry.
XXX says (12:23):
when u reach the lowest pt...
XXX says (12:23):
the onli way u can go is up....
XXX says (12:23):
so u will eventually be lucky again....
XXX says (12:23):
unless it's a bottomless pit.....hahhaa
which I was thinkin bout it... Yah ah... I shld be able to get lucky again. MayB cos all my luck was used on the 1st miracle of my results back in Dec 2004.
I was on the phone with my design project grp mate, Wang Chen, on the bus on my way home on Thurs. When I got down the bus I dropped the hp pouch that Aimei bought for me from Thailand. BOOHOO. And on the same day, I found out my card reader was spoilt... which means I can't use my SD card as thumbdrive!
And how bout struggling to transport the
And during my 3 mths in ST, I missed the
And a fren juz tried to console me on MSN:
XXX says (12:23):
dun worry.
XXX says (12:23):
when u reach the lowest pt...
XXX says (12:23):
the onli way u can go is up....
XXX says (12:23):
so u will eventually be lucky again....
XXX says (12:23):
unless it's a bottomless pit.....hahhaa
which I was thinkin bout it... Yah ah... I shld be able to get lucky again. MayB cos all my luck was used on the 1st miracle of my results back in Dec 2004.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Week 2 seems like week 7 to me
And to other CE peeps too. It's the 1st time I see ppl staying over in school (other than those staying in hall) on week 2 of school... Poor Qiulin, she looked so stressed when I saw her.
And there's Cail, who has a grp mate from HELL. Haha. And I totally agree. This grp mate from hell... Let's call her Z. Was already disgusted with her.
Anyway as for me... hai... I also had my difficulty with grp members. It's really not her fault. But for the moment there wun be any problems. Hope it'll go on like this.
I can forsee week 7 will feel like week 2 to me cos I'll be having only 2-day week. =)
And there's Cail, who has a grp mate from HELL. Haha. And I totally agree. This grp mate from hell... Let's call her Z. Was already disgusted with her.
- We had a MCQ class quiz. All of us submitted already. Some ppl were standing in front @ the stage asking the prof what the correct answers are. QL saw Z standing BEHIND the prof, listening to his correct answers & changing her answers to the correct one.
- Z was supposed to do a proj with Weicong. She kept pestering him to start doing the proj. He told her he's busy recently. Later on Z joined another grp & asked WC to look for grp members himself. In the end I did the proj with WC & it turned our well, we were great partners! Blessing in disguise for him, haha. (Imagine he did the proj with her & he'll be as suay as Cai)
- Now Cai's proj prof couldn't recognise Cai & her other members cept for Z. Then the prof said to Z during the proj meeting that if her grp members nv help, he can email em. Z nv say anything. WTH! How can she do that?! Cai & Grace definitely did more than her loh. Madness!
Anyway as for me... hai... I also had my difficulty with grp members. It's really not her fault. But for the moment there wun be any problems. Hope it'll go on like this.
I can forsee week 7 will feel like week 2 to me cos I'll be having only 2-day week. =)
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Shuffle ur music player & take up this challenge
Found this rather interesting thing to put on my blog, taken from my sis's blog... Included translation to ppl with poor Chinese. Haha.
Li Sheng Jie – Guan Yu Ni De Ge 关于你的歌 (translates to: a song related to you)
AH?! So irrelevant. Lol... Hmmm... I did not hear any guan yu ni de ge on radio. Haha.
Will you get far in life?
Li Sheng Jie - Chong Lai 重来 (translates to: restart)
I swear I've 11hrs worth of songs on my music player & it's really on shuffle mode!! Haha. I hope I dun havta chong lai from where I started lah. Heh.
How do your friends see you?
Freya Lin Fan - Yi Ge Ren Sheng Huo 一个人生活 (translates to: living alone)
Hmmm... Yi ge ren sheng huo, I am definitely not. Haha. N I'm so frenly... =X But this is a v v nice song. I rmb I sang this during Voices auditions when I was in year 1 and my voice broke quite jialat @ the high part & the Voices ppl laughed (quietly), so mean, but made me wanna laugh also. That time super malu.
Will you get married?
Fan Wei Qi - Ai Le Jiu Dui 爱了就对 (translates to: just fall in luv & it'll be ok)
Ai le jiu dui, ai dui le jiu jie hun 爱对了就结婚 (translates to: fall in luv with The One and get married)? Haha
What is your best friend's theme song?
S.H.E - Supermodel
I've no idea what this question is trying to do... Haha. Erm erm... I've no frens who are supermodel. Wahaha...
What is the story of your life?
Rainie Yang - Tian Xin Zhou 甜心咒
Actually I dunno wat this song title means leh. Oops. From Babelfish, it means sweetheart incantation. Hmmm... I've nv used tian xin zhou in my whole life cos nobody to use on. =P
What was high school like?
Britney Spears - Everytime
Ok, I dun quite like Britney Spears but I got this song aft I listened to S.H.E's Bie Shuo Dui Bu Qi. Erm... I supposed high school is JC. I've to mug everytime I've free lessons? Haha.
How can you get ahead in life?
Hoobastank - Ready for You
Always ready for you, my fate=D
What is the best thing about your friends?
Cao Ge - Xiao Wo Ben 笑我笨 (translates to: laugh at my stupidity)
Because they care for me, they comment bout my actions and xiao wo ben. I laugh @ em also. Wahaha.
What is in store for this weekend?
Emil Chau - Ai Qing Lu 爱情路 (translates to: luv journey)
Omg... There is no ai qing lu for me to walk along for this wkend. Heh
What song describes you?
Patty Smyth & Don Henley - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough
Sometimes love just ain't enough for a relationship, requires commitment and understanding too. =) But it doesn't describe me lah, tt's juz my point of view from so many relationships that I've seen as a outsider
To describe your grandparents?
Kaira Gong - My Island Home
My grandparents came to my island home Singapore and started the family. Wahaha. Actually I've no memory of my grandfathers cos they passed away b4 my parents got married.
How is your life going?
Emil Chau - Yi Hou 以后 (translates to: next time/future)
It's going fine. As for yi hou, I'm planning. =D
What song will they play at your funeral?
Mariah Carey - Hero
Who knows? I might be a hero(ine) of some1 in the future. Haha.
How does the world see you?
Li Sheng Jie - Yan Di Xing Kong 眼底星空 (translates to: starry sky from the bottom of the eyes [I think it somehow means that u're able to see the stars from somebody's eyes])
OMG! My music player luvs Li Sheng Jie! Haha. They see yan di xing kong from my eyes. Hmmm.... NEH! Haha
Will you have a happy life?
Corrine May - Fly Away
I'll fly away to a place where I lead my happy life. Ok, it sounds suicidal... I mean literally fly away lah, to other countries. Haha.
What do your friends really think of you?
Little Mermaid - Part of Your World
Oops! Now u all noe I've this kinda song on my list. Wahaha. To all my frens, I hope I'm part of you world. Hee. I rmb I used to keep singing this song when I was in pri sch. Heh.
Do people secretly lust after you?
Zhiyang - Kiss Goodbye
Oops! Now u all noe I'm a paedophile! Haha. But Zhiyang sing v nice wat!! Erm erm... If there are such ppl (who secretly lust for me)... they can kiss goodbye(realise the emphasis on "goodbye") in their dreams, I wouldn't want to know who they are. Haha.
How can I make myself happy?
Zhang Dong Liang - Jiang Cuo Jiu Cuo 将错就错 (translates to: makes the best of a bad situation)
When I make mistakes, I'll jiang cuo jiu cuo, then complain abit more, then I'll feel happier. =P
What should you do with your life?
Zhang Dong Liang - Ba Ba Ma Ma 爸爸妈妈 (translates to: father & mother)
Finish my Engin degree, look for a job and it's time that ba ba ma ma retire. =)
Will you ever have children?
Chen Wei Lian - Wai Po De Peng Hu Wan 外婆的澎湖湾 (translates to: grandmother's peng hu wan [peng hu wan is a place in Taiwan I think])
Erm erm... My children's children, who are my grandchildren, will sing this song?? Haha. I dunno. Give up...
Oh well, I shan't force ppl to do this but it's quite funny. Muz be creative in making the sentences. Haha
- Put your music player on shuffle.
- Press forward for each question.
- Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!
- Tag 10 people to play this game too.
- Bold the questions and answers that swack.
Li Sheng Jie – Guan Yu Ni De Ge 关于你的歌 (translates to: a song related to you)
AH?! So irrelevant. Lol... Hmmm... I did not hear any guan yu ni de ge on radio. Haha.
Will you get far in life?
Li Sheng Jie - Chong Lai 重来 (translates to: restart)
I swear I've 11hrs worth of songs on my music player & it's really on shuffle mode!! Haha. I hope I dun havta chong lai from where I started lah. Heh.
How do your friends see you?
Freya Lin Fan - Yi Ge Ren Sheng Huo 一个人生活 (translates to: living alone)
Hmmm... Yi ge ren sheng huo, I am definitely not. Haha. N I'm so frenly... =X But this is a v v nice song. I rmb I sang this during Voices auditions when I was in year 1 and my voice broke quite jialat @ the high part & the Voices ppl laughed (quietly), so mean, but made me wanna laugh also. That time super malu.
Will you get married?
Fan Wei Qi - Ai Le Jiu Dui 爱了就对 (translates to: just fall in luv & it'll be ok)
Ai le jiu dui, ai dui le jiu jie hun 爱对了就结婚 (translates to: fall in luv with The One and get married)? Haha
What is your best friend's theme song?
S.H.E - Supermodel
I've no idea what this question is trying to do... Haha. Erm erm... I've no frens who are supermodel. Wahaha...
What is the story of your life?
Rainie Yang - Tian Xin Zhou 甜心咒
Actually I dunno wat this song title means leh. Oops. From Babelfish, it means sweetheart incantation. Hmmm... I've nv used tian xin zhou in my whole life cos nobody to use on. =P
What was high school like?
Britney Spears - Everytime
Ok, I dun quite like Britney Spears but I got this song aft I listened to S.H.E's Bie Shuo Dui Bu Qi. Erm... I supposed high school is JC. I've to mug everytime I've free lessons? Haha.
How can you get ahead in life?
Hoobastank - Ready for You
Always ready for you, my fate=D
What is the best thing about your friends?
Cao Ge - Xiao Wo Ben 笑我笨 (translates to: laugh at my stupidity)
Because they care for me, they comment bout my actions and xiao wo ben. I laugh @ em also. Wahaha.
What is in store for this weekend?
Emil Chau - Ai Qing Lu 爱情路 (translates to: luv journey)
Omg... There is no ai qing lu for me to walk along for this wkend. Heh
What song describes you?
Patty Smyth & Don Henley - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough
Sometimes love just ain't enough for a relationship, requires commitment and understanding too. =) But it doesn't describe me lah, tt's juz my point of view from so many relationships that I've seen as a outsider
To describe your grandparents?
Kaira Gong - My Island Home
My grandparents came to my island home Singapore and started the family. Wahaha. Actually I've no memory of my grandfathers cos they passed away b4 my parents got married.
How is your life going?
Emil Chau - Yi Hou 以后 (translates to: next time/future)
It's going fine. As for yi hou, I'm planning. =D
What song will they play at your funeral?
Mariah Carey - Hero
Who knows? I might be a hero(ine) of some1 in the future. Haha.
How does the world see you?
Li Sheng Jie - Yan Di Xing Kong 眼底星空 (translates to: starry sky from the bottom of the eyes [I think it somehow means that u're able to see the stars from somebody's eyes])
OMG! My music player luvs Li Sheng Jie! Haha. They see yan di xing kong from my eyes. Hmmm.... NEH! Haha
Will you have a happy life?
Corrine May - Fly Away
I'll fly away to a place where I lead my happy life. Ok, it sounds suicidal... I mean literally fly away lah, to other countries. Haha.
What do your friends really think of you?
Little Mermaid - Part of Your World
Oops! Now u all noe I've this kinda song on my list. Wahaha. To all my frens, I hope I'm part of you world. Hee. I rmb I used to keep singing this song when I was in pri sch. Heh.
Do people secretly lust after you?
Zhiyang - Kiss Goodbye
Oops! Now u all noe I'm a paedophile! Haha. But Zhiyang sing v nice wat!! Erm erm... If there are such ppl (who secretly lust for me)... they can kiss goodbye(realise the emphasis on "goodbye") in their dreams, I wouldn't want to know who they are. Haha.
How can I make myself happy?
Zhang Dong Liang - Jiang Cuo Jiu Cuo 将错就错 (translates to: makes the best of a bad situation)
When I make mistakes, I'll jiang cuo jiu cuo, then complain abit more, then I'll feel happier. =P
What should you do with your life?
Zhang Dong Liang - Ba Ba Ma Ma 爸爸妈妈 (translates to: father & mother)
Finish my Engin degree, look for a job and it's time that ba ba ma ma retire. =)
Will you ever have children?
Chen Wei Lian - Wai Po De Peng Hu Wan 外婆的澎湖湾 (translates to: grandmother's peng hu wan [peng hu wan is a place in Taiwan I think])
Erm erm... My children's children, who are my grandchildren, will sing this song?? Haha. I dunno. Give up...
Oh well, I shan't force ppl to do this but it's quite funny. Muz be creative in making the sentences. Haha
Saturday, August 19, 2006
We decided to go Project X (NUSSU bash) after we know that it's free entrance & that the 1st 500 ppl will get free goodie bag... But I think the free goodie bag was bluff ppl one... We had to buy the drink coupon which was $7/drink, then we can get free vouchers...
Anyway, was quite fun since it has been so long since the last time I go chiong. Saw Edward (my pri sch fren) there. Quite surprised haha. But quite irritated with the ppl who kept squeezing & keep pushing me.... Arrgghhh... there was even some1 who pushed me till I nearly fell down. Talk bout being gentleman! Anyway I pushed his fren back cos I was too angry. Lol.
We saw the drunk Anthony dancing weirdly... on the stage... Haha. And there was this guy who was dancing ard me weirdly and the situation was as illustrated below:
My nose was on the same level as his armpit... And I suay suay can smell his strong BO... And he was really dancing with his arms open lydat!! Argghh... Then luckily kind Gord exchanged place with me. But it wasn't so bad for him cos @ least his nose wasn't @ the same level as the guy's armpit...
I think the guy was alone & he was moving ard to find a grp which he can join. Then he moved until he was behind Cai & I told Cai to be careful... When she turned ard, she could smell the strong BO cos her nose was also on the same as the guy's armpit. Disadvantage of being short...
Oh well... on to photos!!

The Durin gers back together again aft 6 mths!

The early birds

I realised Merv didn't appear in any of the photos in my camera. Haha. But there was a photographer who took a picture of us! Although I dunno who he works for (Zouk? NUSSU? Hooked?). Shall find the picture quick. Heh
Anyway, was quite fun since it has been so long since the last time I go chiong. Saw Edward (my pri sch fren) there. Quite surprised haha. But quite irritated with the ppl who kept squeezing & keep pushing me.... Arrgghhh... there was even some1 who pushed me till I nearly fell down. Talk bout being gentleman! Anyway I pushed his fren back cos I was too angry. Lol.
We saw the drunk Anthony dancing weirdly... on the stage... Haha. And there was this guy who was dancing ard me weirdly and the situation was as illustrated below:
My nose was on the same level as his armpit... And I suay suay can smell his strong BO... And he was really dancing with his arms open lydat!! Argghh... Then luckily kind Gord exchanged place with me. But it wasn't so bad for him cos @ least his nose wasn't @ the same level as the guy's armpit...
I think the guy was alone & he was moving ard to find a grp which he can join. Then he moved until he was behind Cai & I told Cai to be careful... When she turned ard, she could smell the strong BO cos her nose was also on the same as the guy's armpit. Disadvantage of being short...
Oh well... on to photos!!

The Durin gers back together again aft 6 mths!

The early birds

I realised Merv didn't appear in any of the photos in my camera. Haha. But there was a photographer who took a picture of us! Although I dunno who he works for (Zouk? NUSSU? Hooked?). Shall find the picture quick. Heh
Thursday, August 17, 2006
I don't understand why is it always me?
Is it b'cos I'm the elder one @ home? Makes me responsible for so many things?
When the washing machine spoilt 2 mths ago, I've to go out & look for a suitable washing machine.
When the VCR spoilt 1 mth ago, my father insisted on repairing the spoilt VCR which we bought it for $100+ a few years ago & the repair fee is probaby half of the price of the VCR. I've convince him to buy a DVD recorder instead & I've to go out & look for a suitable one. Then I've to tune the channels on the DVD recorder. Next I've to conduct lesson to my father on how to use the DVD recorder when I myself dunno how to use it & I've to refer to the manual...
1 wk ago, the TV in my parent's room juz spoilt. Though this time round I don't have to go buy the TV with him (cos there was TVs on discount but the discount was only valid till Sun... & I wasn't free to go with him...). Today the TV juz arrived. I juz woke up @ 11.30am. When I was eating my brunch, my father told me to help tune the new TV if I've time today. He then gave me the manual. I told him to ask my sis to tune the TV cos I also need to read the manual to tune the TV. "Aiyah, she dunno how to one lah!"
They always assume that my sister dunno anything. Always asking me to read their letters (they can't read English)... do anything related to electronics... I mean there's always 1st time for everything rite? Since she dunno how to, shouldn't she learn? Ok sis, I'm not blaming u for wat happened, but next time they ask u to do sth, can u help? It's part and parcel to learning rite?
Haiyoh... anyway, going Zouk today cos NUS has free admission!! =D
When the washing machine spoilt 2 mths ago, I've to go out & look for a suitable washing machine.
When the VCR spoilt 1 mth ago, my father insisted on repairing the spoilt VCR which we bought it for $100+ a few years ago & the repair fee is probaby half of the price of the VCR. I've convince him to buy a DVD recorder instead & I've to go out & look for a suitable one. Then I've to tune the channels on the DVD recorder. Next I've to conduct lesson to my father on how to use the DVD recorder when I myself dunno how to use it & I've to refer to the manual...
1 wk ago, the TV in my parent's room juz spoilt. Though this time round I don't have to go buy the TV with him (cos there was TVs on discount but the discount was only valid till Sun... & I wasn't free to go with him...). Today the TV juz arrived. I juz woke up @ 11.30am. When I was eating my brunch, my father told me to help tune the new TV if I've time today. He then gave me the manual. I told him to ask my sis to tune the TV cos I also need to read the manual to tune the TV. "Aiyah, she dunno how to one lah!"
They always assume that my sister dunno anything. Always asking me to read their letters (they can't read English)... do anything related to electronics... I mean there's always 1st time for everything rite? Since she dunno how to, shouldn't she learn? Ok sis, I'm not blaming u for wat happened, but next time they ask u to do sth, can u help? It's part and parcel to learning rite?
Haiyoh... anyway, going Zouk today cos NUS has free admission!! =D
Lotsa photos
Has been a long time since I really updated my blog. Shall post lotsa pix!

All the start @ Zpop. Thanx to Dason James for the photo =D.

They juz watched a scary movie. Haha

@ Clarke Quay Settlers Cafe with Mr Mervyn Raffles and Miss Jennifer Liberty.

Taken in my office. Hope posting this photo is not illegal! Gaussian blurred some of the stuffs behind juz in case =X

Charles' dog (Charles thinks she's a 6mths old Maltese-Shih Tzu crossbreed)! Super cute, look so unreal - like a plush toy. Her nickname is Bobo since Charles told us his whole family calls her different names...

Gord's & my bday celebration with NUS gang @ Sakae Sushi on 22nd Jul! (Ate cakes with chopsticks, haha)

Zhao Yong's and my bday celebration on 4th Aug @ Cartel!


Inconsiderate ger who sat on her fren's shoulders to watch fireworks.
Think tt's all for the moment hmmm....

All the start @ Zpop. Thanx to Dason James for the photo =D.

They juz watched a scary movie. Haha

@ Clarke Quay Settlers Cafe with Mr Mervyn Raffles and Miss Jennifer Liberty.

Taken in my office. Hope posting this photo is not illegal! Gaussian blurred some of the stuffs behind juz in case =X

Charles' dog (Charles thinks she's a 6mths old Maltese-Shih Tzu crossbreed)! Super cute, look so unreal - like a plush toy. Her nickname is Bobo since Charles told us his whole family calls her different names...

Gord's & my bday celebration with NUS gang @ Sakae Sushi on 22nd Jul! (Ate cakes with chopsticks, haha)

Zhao Yong's and my bday celebration on 4th Aug @ Cartel!


Inconsiderate ger who sat on her fren's shoulders to watch fireworks.
Think tt's all for the moment hmmm....
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Jeff Chang - Zuo Ni De Nan Ren
张信哲 - 做你的男人
东京 纽约 每个地点
散步 逛街 找电影院
塞车 停电 哪怕下雪
星光 音乐 一杯热咖啡
做你的男人 二十四个小时不睡觉
不管世界多纷扰 我们俩紧紧的拥抱
隐隐约约 我感觉有微笑 藏在你嘴角
做你的男人 二十四个小时不睡觉
Finally after 2 years he's gonna have another new album. YAY!! Anyway I recorded this song from www.jeffcn.com. Super catchy & nice song. But it's too sweet for a Jeff's song. (Jiali agreed with me.) Haha. But I still luv it =)
散步 逛街 找电影院
塞车 停电 哪怕下雪
星光 音乐 一杯热咖啡
做你的男人 二十四个小时不睡觉
不管世界多纷扰 我们俩紧紧的拥抱
隐隐约约 我感觉有微笑 藏在你嘴角
做你的男人 二十四个小时不睡觉
Finally after 2 years he's gonna have another new album. YAY!! Anyway I recorded this song from www.jeffcn.com. Super catchy & nice song. But it's too sweet for a Jeff's song. (Jiali agreed with me.) Haha. But I still luv it =)
My record-breaking bus-waiting time
I made a big decision on Sun to do sth different to my hair...
Jiali commented that I look like I'm being forced to smile. Haha. Anyway I'm starting to like my hair 1 day aft I permed it.
Went to watch fireworks with Candy, Jeremy, Lisheng & Zhao Yong. There was a lot of ppl @ Marina Square loh!! Any place with anything edible or drinkable has queues. Oh... I 4got the word LONG. The McDonalds had 2 L-shaped queues extending out from the outlet... 1st time I see ppl queueing up for Jolly Bean... (I even heard from LS & ZY that Giant had a long queue for cooked food)... We then decided to go Pacific Coffee to have snacks & coffee since it was quite empty.
Anyway, the good thing was later on, we found a spot along Esplanade Park with a smaller crowd to watch the fireworks, nice spot except for a crane blocking part of our view.
After that we were walking towards Esplanade when I heard my name. It was Steph & she said she heard my voice so she called out for me. -_-.... Then ZY commented that I've a unique voice 'cept that my sis sound abit like me. Oh well... my voice has to be loud for Steph to hear me also then. Haha. She called her fren using my phone cos her phone batt was dying soon but the reception was v bad though it was full bar. Think too many ppl were in that area...
Steph's frens found her while we were walking. The rest of us went Citilink Mall cos Jeremy was hungry. We ended up in Simply Thai, where the air-con was off cos it was after 10pm & the centralised air-con system will be automatically shut down.... And Jeremy ordered green curry!! He ate until he sweat so much, poor thing. Haha. We left the place @ ard 11 & the next unlucky thing happened to me...
I walked towards Suntec with Bingjia & Candy but decided to take a bus at the Convention Centre instead of near Shaw Tower cos my thighs hurt aft Mon's kickboxing lessons. I waited for bus 70 for 1 hr!! Sooo long.... If not for the long cab queue, I would have took a cab home liao... In the end I got on the last 70 @ 12.10am... The bus was full by the time it reached the bus stop near Shaw Towers. And it really shows that Singaporeans are so inconsiderate. As usual the back of the bus was quite empty as compared to the front... I mean... it's the last bus loh, can't the ppl try to move to the back of the bus?? Aiyoh... Anyway I reached home @ 12.40. Damn. Can't stand all the sweat & decided to wash my hair (not supposed to cos it's best to wash ur hair 48 hours aft u perm it). Haha
Anyway, I got lotsa photos to upload, shall do it tmr mayB...
Jiali commented that I look like I'm being forced to smile. Haha. Anyway I'm starting to like my hair 1 day aft I permed it.
Went to watch fireworks with Candy, Jeremy, Lisheng & Zhao Yong. There was a lot of ppl @ Marina Square loh!! Any place with anything edible or drinkable has queues. Oh... I 4got the word LONG. The McDonalds had 2 L-shaped queues extending out from the outlet... 1st time I see ppl queueing up for Jolly Bean... (I even heard from LS & ZY that Giant had a long queue for cooked food)... We then decided to go Pacific Coffee to have snacks & coffee since it was quite empty.
Anyway, the good thing was later on, we found a spot along Esplanade Park with a smaller crowd to watch the fireworks, nice spot except for a crane blocking part of our view.
After that we were walking towards Esplanade when I heard my name. It was Steph & she said she heard my voice so she called out for me. -_-.... Then ZY commented that I've a unique voice 'cept that my sis sound abit like me. Oh well... my voice has to be loud for Steph to hear me also then. Haha. She called her fren using my phone cos her phone batt was dying soon but the reception was v bad though it was full bar. Think too many ppl were in that area...
Steph's frens found her while we were walking. The rest of us went Citilink Mall cos Jeremy was hungry. We ended up in Simply Thai, where the air-con was off cos it was after 10pm & the centralised air-con system will be automatically shut down.... And Jeremy ordered green curry!! He ate until he sweat so much, poor thing. Haha. We left the place @ ard 11 & the next unlucky thing happened to me...
I walked towards Suntec with Bingjia & Candy but decided to take a bus at the Convention Centre instead of near Shaw Tower cos my thighs hurt aft Mon's kickboxing lessons. I waited for bus 70 for 1 hr!! Sooo long.... If not for the long cab queue, I would have took a cab home liao... In the end I got on the last 70 @ 12.10am... The bus was full by the time it reached the bus stop near Shaw Towers. And it really shows that Singaporeans are so inconsiderate. As usual the back of the bus was quite empty as compared to the front... I mean... it's the last bus loh, can't the ppl try to move to the back of the bus?? Aiyoh... Anyway I reached home @ 12.40. Damn. Can't stand all the sweat & decided to wash my hair (not supposed to cos it's best to wash ur hair 48 hours aft u perm it). Haha
Anyway, I got lotsa photos to upload, shall do it tmr mayB...
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
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