We tried cycling to Bedok Jetty but we didn't. We decided to turn back since it was nearly 1 hr later & we haven't reach Bedok Jetty. Aimei had a hard time cycling cos I think there was sth wrong with her bicycle's gear-changing switch (I dunno wat u call that... =P). I wanted to try exchanging bicycle with her but I can't cycle hers... it's too tall for me -_-.
We went Coffee Bean to sit down for some coffee aft cycling. While waiting for the coffee, I saw Siew Hua walking pass Coffee Bean & waved to her. With her, I saw Zheng Chang, then Wen Quan. Haha. I think that bunch of ppl are NYJC's choir alumni lar. Kinda funny cos I know em from different phases of my life. Siew Hua: O Week'04 (she's a counsellor), Wen Quan: O Week'03 (he's my OG mate), Zheng Chang: CCHSM choir (we used to call him 正常, which translates to "normal". But he's abit kee siao one, which means he's not normal, haha). Went library to borrow & return book then to Parkway to shop for a while b4 going home. Aimei had to carry this big bag of towels cos they were on 50% discount & her mum wanted her to buy. Haha.
Saw Jeremy Huang on the bus home & was chatting with him. He's going NTU's Aerospace Engin course. Sounds interesting sia! N he told me Shuzhan's going NUS Engin also. So many guys going Engin lor! Budden again.... 75% of the population in Engin are guys...
Aft resting for 2hrs @ home, went out again with my sis to a concert @ Bishan. The story goes: I wanted to go online to search for Jones Shi Kang Jun's (石康军) song on Thurs cos the song is quite nice (heard it over the radio). Then my sis asked me that nite, "Aye, have u heard of the newcomer by the name 石康军?" Apparently Jones was from CCHSM also & he was going back to the school for a concert on Fri, so my sis asked me if I wanna buy the CD. I was thinkin since can get autograph & the price is lower than that @ CD shops, I asked my sis to buy the CD. On Fri nite, my sis told me that her fren is a reporter (for Fri Weekly I think) & she interviewed Jones. His manager gave her 10 tix to the concert & asked her to bring some ppl with banners or board to support the singer.
So that's how I gotta go to the concert with my sis & her fren & her fren's frenz.... All were younger than me.. The next youngest was 19 years old, followed by 16 years old, 14, then 13. Taufik was to sing b4 Jones & he said sth like, "The next to come on stage is also a Singaporean & they even said that I'm having an affair with his wife..." When they heard "also a Singaporean", most of them already started chionging to in front of the fence already. Since I felt old (though they commented that I look like 18 years old, haha), I volunteered to sit back to take care of their belongings, while wondering wat Taufik means. Then I realised cos he sang the song "Me and Mrs. Jones" for Singapore Idol finals... Though I think I was abit slow in realising that, the youngsters didn't even take notice that Taufik said that.
I muz comment on the singers today. 1st to come out was Zhang Shan Wei (张善为) & his live performance was less than OK. He can't reach his falsetto parts well...
2nd to come out was Fiona Xie & they had this super corny part whereby they asked Zhang Shan Wei to choose the eyes, nose & lips (out of 3 choices) from the screen. Well... all the 3 body parts somehow belongs to Fiona Xie -__-... So they invited her to the stage & she sang... Play CD one lor... So damn obvious she was trying to 对嘴 (meaning mouthing the lyrics only). Well... she's juz a vase lar, dun really like her...
Next was Tay Peng Hui. Ok lar, @ least he sang live quite ok, and the thing is he sang live! Haha. Let's skip the next one cos she's a singer who sings oldies...
Then was Sly, followed by Taufik liao lor. Of cos they sounded quite good lar. Singapore Idol finalists lei!!
Jones was really good for a newcomer 'cos I've heard quite a few newcomers who couldn't really sing live (Eg: Stella, when she was still one, I dunno bout now though. And also FIR's Faye... she sounded like she has asthma). He reached his falsetto of the song 黑夜过后 v nicely. So ppl! Muz support this newcomer! Haha. My senior lei (ok lar, I nv see him b4 cos he's 4 years older)! I'll change the song on my blog to his soon.

Btw, u realised we both have dimples on both sides of the cheeks (ok... my left cheek was cut away...)? Though not v obvious lar, we had to smile real wide to have our dimples shown, haha.
For so many years we both noe that we have dimples, but we didn't noe who we inherited that from, until 1 fine day... I was teaching my tuition kid bout inheredity (4got the correct spelling...) of offsprings from parents and I saw my sis laughing when I got home. I was asking her, "Aye, u realised we both have dimples, but who is it from?" Then I told my mother to smile real wide and that's how we found out that we got the dimples from our mother. Haha.
Ok I digressed... Haha. Shall upload the photos when my sis's fren's fren develop the photos for my sis's fren. Oh! This sis's fren's fren is a pro photographer who shoots for Fri Weekly!! His camera is the kind that u havta turn the long set of lenses to focus on the object of shooting. I was askin him how much his camera costs & he told me including equipments, the whole set costs ard $1k!! *faints* And the camera is not a digital camera somemore, it's a film-camera!! Imagine how much a similar dig cam will cost!
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