Me enjoying the expedition-treat dinner in Colombo's Seafish Restaurant.

Group photo taken @ the work site. As u can see, Da Xiong majium putting weight on the ppl beside him....

This proves that the bed can tahan the weight of so many ppl! But the bed broke soon after a kid jumped on the bed...

This kid is a ladies' man. He has a v charming smile & he's so nice!! He helped the gers tie pleats! (In this pic he's helping Candy to tie pleats)

Kids living in houses by the road we walked past everyday are super frenly. Sights like this are common.

Damaged house by the beach

Our footprints by the beach. Nice pic =D

The 3 musketeers of the site. As u can see they are dancing happily, Sri Lanka style =)

Steph with the height chart that she has drawn. Aren't the cartoon characters cute?! The height chart looks pro rite? Hehe. I feel v sorry towards this, cos I merely pasted the papers together, drew the measurements & wrap the chart!!

Did I mentioned that on the 1st few days of our trip, 2 ang mohs came to the site & gave out free pens & pencils to the kids? Stealing our limelight... *&^%$#@!
Think that's all... it's 4.34am... Came back @ 3+am aft supper @ Aimei's house again... -_-zZ
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