Here's the 2CDs that I've bought from the Chinatown shop on 8th Apr:

阿桑 《寂寞在唱歌》
Ah Sang - Ji Mo Zai Chang Ge
Price: $16.90
Comes together with: VCD with 4 MTVs
Comments: Quite a nice CD, it's v soothing to hear her voice, esp @ nite. Actually I quite like her! I think I'm a sado cos the songs that she sings are mostly sad ones, haha. I like her 叶子 (Ye Zi), and did u watch that MTV??!! It's super super sad! U shld go play it when u go for KTV.
Recommendations (in order): 一直很安静 Yi Zhi Hen An Jing, 保管 Bao Guan, 寂寞在唱歌 Ji Mo Zai Chang Ge

林俊杰 《编号89757》
JJ Lin Jun Jie - Bian Hao 89757
Price: $9.90 (it's Singapore version!)
Comes together with: a voucher for 2 free K Lunch @ K Box, a poster, an exclusive song for Singapore version. This shld the 1st version and is selling so cheaply + so many free stuffs cos it might be some promo that the company is doing with YES933 & K Box. Heard form the shop auntie that the 2nd version will be back to normal prices & no free K lunch nor poster!! So I got a real good bargain =D.
Comments: Very nice album, mayB cos I've already like him since his 1st album. But pls dun mistaken me as some1 who goes for a singer who's famous/popular. I bought his 1st album b4 anyone I know of bought it, and also b4 he won "Best Newcomer" in the Taiwan (or was it China? =/) Golden Hits Awards. I even rmb I bought his 1st album for $15.50 @ the same shop, haha.
Recommendations (in order): 简简单单 Jian Jian Dan Dan, 一千年以后 Yi Qian Nian Yi Hou, 突然累了 Tu Ran Lei Le, 被风吹过的夏天 Bei Feng Chui Guo De Xia Tian (the bonus song only available in Singapore version), 听不懂没关系 Ting Bu Dong Mei Guan Xi. (Actually I feel like putting the whole album in, haha)
And here's the 2 CDs that I bought yesterday (28th Apr):

F.I.R. 《无限》
F.I.R. - Wu Xian
Price: $4.90 (China version =P)
Comments: Gimme the feeling that it's a continuation of their last album, like they have 我们的爱 (Wo Men De Ai) in their last album and they've a song that sounds abit similar, called 把爱放开(Ba Ai Fang Kai). But I still like the songs, mayB cos I like the ger's voice (can anyone tel me wat's her name? =P). Mostly rock songs.
Recommendations (in order): 千年之恋 Qian Nian Zhi Lian, 刺鸟 Ci Niao, 无限 Wu Xian

李圣杰 《绝对痴心。手放开》
Li Sheng Jie - Jue Dui Chi Xin, Shou Fang Kai
Price: $4.90 (China version again=P)
Comments: I told u I'm in love with his voice liao mah. Hehe. Very nice album of cos! Dun u think his voice sound like Ronald Cheng (郑中基) on the high parts (but nicer, haha)?
Recommendations (in order): 远走高飞 Yuan Zou Gao Fei, 手放开 Shou Fang Kai, 痴心绝对 Chi Xin Jue Dui, 你们要快乐 Ni Men Yao Kuai Le
I actually bought 4 CDs within 20 days!!!! Oh my goodness.... aarrrgghhh, no more CDs for me until the next Jeff Chang album! Haha.
Counting down to 3rd May for my KTV session =D. Meanwhile u can read this blog of a Malaysian in Sarawak:
He reminds me of the male version of Xiaxue, cept that he looks like a weirdo who'll bring his camera everywhere he goes.... *raises eyebrow*
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