The super nice brownie @ Munchie Monkey! At $3.50, it's with the ice-cream, same size but nicer than Coffee Bean's.

Charles "bio-ing" Merv and Merv happy bout being bio-ed. =P

Why is Charles smiling so shyly?

This looks like a handphone advert....

Jiali & Jen @ Munchie

Joo doing the "xiaxue" look

I dunno when Amy took this @ Munchie.... -_-

Charles & Jimmy, our perfect couple!! Haha
The surprise...

The Swensen's Mango Ice-cream cake

Jen holding onto the cake while waiting for Jiali to (hear the bells and) open the door.

Jiali in the midst of shock (and also in a mess =X)

B4 Jiali cuts her cake

Jiali cutting cake. She insists she should look pretty and took down her specs, haha.

Don't they look comfortable @ Jiali's place?

Amy doing her "lab report" on the white chocolate ball the she took from the cake

Jiali's panda! So cute!

The retro fan @ Jiali's place

The retro lights @ Jiali's place

Time we left Jiali's place
Thanx to photographer of the day Amy Hsu You Han! =D
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