Friday, September 30, 2005

Irritating bus journey

U shld really read this esp. if u've a yellow Crumpler/Overland sling bag (I dunno how to differentiate these 2 brands), because, I think u're v inconsiderate. I dunno ur name, but I noe u're from Engin cos there's a image in my mind that u r one of my fren's freshie (but I 4got which fren isit), and that u take 151 on 29th Sept 2005, at around 8pm. Budden again, I dun think u read my blog, I juz feel like complaining, again, =P.

  1. Please move to the rear of the bus as far as possible cos u're preventing other ppl from getting on the bus and also causing ppl near the front door to squeeze like mad.

  2. If u dun wanna move to the rear of the bus cos ur fren is sitting down, pls @ least take note of how ur bag is blocking other ppl from moving to the rear of the bus.

  3. Also, pls take note of how ur continuous back-and-forth movements affect other ppl on the bus, esp ppl standing behind u. Both ur bag and ur movements aren't v small.

  4. Last but not least, pls understand that ur voice is quite irritating so u shldn't tok loudly on the bus, esp when other ppl are already irritated with u blocking their way and pushing them as u keep moving back-and-forth.

It's quite obvious that I happen to be one of the "other ppl", haha. Actually wat happened was aft sports buffet & dinner, I SMSed Zhao Yong to see if his SS lect ends already. Happened that it juz ended and ZY was @ the bus terminal & he called me to tell me the 151 is leaving. I was @ the bus stop opp. Ctrl Lib & decided to stop walking. But I made a wrong move cos the bus was so damn crowded... The bus stopped for quite a long time 2 bus stops later to enable the ppl @ the bus stop to get up the bus. The guy-with-yellow-sling-bag and frens happened to be standing near the rear door. They were like blabbing away and blockin ppl who were trying to squeeze so that more ppl can come up the bus. Was already quite irritated with the scene.

A few stops later, some people were trying to get down the bus and this guy and frens were STILL blockin the way. Arrrgghhh. Comes to a point where I was standing behind him (cos quite lotsa ppl already got down the bus), trying to balance myself. He kept leaning forward and backwards for god-knows-what... so for no reasons, I was being pushed by him for a few times. ZY was sitting @ the last row of seats, so I was thinkin of not sitting down @ this vacant seat behind the rear door. But I couldn't stand the guy's movement (and voice) anymore and decided to take the seat, which the guy was blocking also. Aft that his fren sat down @ a seat near where they were standing and I can see him blocking other ppl's way still... So damn inconsiderate can?

Then when I sat down I saw ZY's sms apologising, saying that he shld have asked me to walk 1 more bus stop so that I get a chance to sit down. Budden not his fault also wat, haha. I replied him, complaining bout the inconsiderate guy. He replied saying no wonder my face looked so irritated.

The only consolations for this bus journey: It was an air-conditioned 151 (though I can't really feel the aircon...) and that my journey home took less than 1 hour.

Lesson learnt: Nv take 151 from bus stops from opp. Ctrl Lib onwards on Thurs 8pm, it'll already be damn crowded by then and u might get irritated by The Yellow Sling Bag Guy

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