The last paper on 28th Apr (Fri) was a super killer, it was my 1st time in NUS to see ppl crying aft an exam... but I dun care much, cos it was my last paper and that everyone will die together means that there'll be moderation. Haha.
Aft the paper I had to leave sch for an interview with a company in Tuas... *faints* Luckily Samantha is also going and I took a ride in her father's car =D The person who interviewed us told us that they'll confirm the placement with us by the next day (Sat), but no calls from em even until today & Samantha called em up. She was told that we're not selected... Now I've to juz hope that another company is accepting me...
Anyway, had the hen nite party for Cousin Kaixian on Sat nite. She was saboed until she was drunk and can't even sign her credit card and Yingzi had to drive me and her home. N Kaixian was puking all the way on the car... Ooopss. But oh well, she got a kiss from quite a cute angmoh. Haha. (Actually we told her to get someone to kiss her, lol)
Hmmm... Ok, Lijun wasn't so wicked cos Rose actually got 2 of her frens to come and act as strangers for the sabo....
Yingzi was quite wicked cos she ordered red & white wine n made Kaixian drink.
Anyway it was quite a fun nite (minus the vomit part). Btw, the place we went was Loof and it's a nice place to chill out. It's outdoors but cooling. The cocktails are ard $18 per cup. Abit quite ex for me, but I wasn't the one paying! =D
Then yesterday was the wedding day. Reached Kaixian's place @ 7+ in the morn... N we started making "breakfast" for Yongkai (the groom) and his brothers...
The drink kinda look good rite? But guess wat's inside the drink? Lemon juice, lime juice, mustard, mango yoghurt (Yongkai hates mustard & mango), 1 raw egg, vinegar, tobasco. Haha. I wanted to go buy wasabi, but couldn't find it in ntuc. Haha. N there was also crackers with mustard n tobasco too. The brothers actually enjoyed the crackers!! Lol. Aft the tasty treat, the guy were supposed to wear these disposable underwears outside that Lijun bought n dance to the Full Monty song. The guys actually tore the underwears n swing and dance. Lol. Anyway our activities were cut short cos it was getting late. Went over to Yongkai's place & back to Kaixian's place again.
Went home to take a nap b4 leaving for the hotel for my make up and hairdo. Their suite had a v v nice view!!
And we take the chance to take the pix...
Ok... My make up looks weird. My conclusion is I shouldn't put non-skin tone eyeshadow... I always look weird with eyeshadow colours other than skin tone ones. But I quite like my hair!
But it's v messy. I took like 15 min to take out all the clips when I was at home.
Didn't take lotsa pix cos there was a photographer (PS: The photographer is quite cute!! Haha). So these are the remaining pix I took.

Yongkai and Kaixian on the stage.

Me and my sis

My parents
And last of all....

The doorgift for the wedding. The bears r soooo cute!!
Anyway, I started to play Maplestory AGAIN. Haha. Shall continue to play liao =D
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