Our juz-in-case tots were so accurate. It rained cats n dogs while we were eating. We were sitting near the (covered) drain, so the rainwater started flowed down, towards us. The rain was so heavy that the rainwater kept splashing onto us, esp AM & ZY who were sitting nearer to the edge of the shelter, so we had to shift the table further in while AM moved to sit in front of me (there was a blank seat in front of me). While I was eating my roti tissue, LS had to tell us bout cockroaches coming out from the drains when it floods. -__- AM volunteered to look out for cockroaches since she was only drinking her teh tarik. Luckily no cockroach crawled out. Aft supper we decided to go to the 7-11 to buy some drinks n AM was complaining that her slippers feels slippery. I was wondering y my slippers look so worn out and yet it isn't slippering.
While in 7-11, ZY then pointed out bout the patterns on our soles! Wooo!! Icic. I can still remember the times in Chung Cheng when ZY told us that u can kill (or isit chase away?) termites using garlic water (water with garlic immersed in it). He's our walkin encyclopedia!! Haha. Anyway, LS started laughin for no reasons. We were wondering y he was laughin when he told us that he'll explain to us when we reached back AM's house. We had a hard time going back to AM's house cos the rain was still v heavy. I shared umbrella with AM, while Candy n Sharon shared 1, LS & ZY to another 1, BJ had 1 to himself. The 2 gers (not me & AM) are so scared of the sights of the lightnings that they were walkin so slowly, luckily they din really scream. Haha.
When we FINALLY reached AM's house, I had a hard time holding onto the umbrella for AM needs to open her gate. I nearly fall back-wards cos I need to hold it v high up (moment = force X distance). We obviously had to wash our feet.... so.... the faithful event came along. I was using a small shower head by the toilet-bowl to wash my feet while BJ tried to use the normal kinda shower head. BUT.....
Aft the faithful incident, we sat down to talk in a circle for nearly 2 hrs. Think we started to talk bout transvestite... then to our sec sch life... then JC life. Haha. Enjoyed myself so much. We started packing up @ 2am cos BJ had to work on Sun @ 12pm (did I mention he's our chauffeur?). So we left on a journey that sent LS home 1st, followed by ZY, me, then Candy + Sharon (Sharon stays @ Candy's house on Sat nites cos they've church on Sun)
Reached home @ nearly 3am n started chatting online cos I miraculously didn't feel tired @ all (mayB cos of the ice teh tarik that I drank). Went to sleep @ 4+.....
It's Ah Mah's bday today (15th May) while Timothy's (my cousin's son) bday is on Mon (16th May). So we had a dinner out at a Teochew restaurant at Keypoint. The yam paste there is super nice!! Don't u think it's so cute to have ur bday 1 day later than ur great-grandmother?! Timothy is so so so cute!!!!! Kaixian (1 of my closer couz, 25 yrs old) was also telling us some of her wedding stuffs. I guess she's v v excited over it (ok... who's not excited over their own wedding?). Her ROM will be on 11th Jun & I told her I might not be able to attend it since I'm only coming back on 10th Jun. Luckily for me, she only intend to ask her immediate families to go for the ROM.
Anyway, we had this hilarious part whereby we were gonna sing bday song and the waiter actually played the bday song VCD.... and we had to sing the bday song 5times!! N Dua Gu (which means "big uncle[or more precisely, mother's brother]" in Teochew) was forced to hold on to the mike. Muahahaha. And I gotta noe that Matthew (my cousin 2 years younger than me) got a scholarship worth $1million (as in including his school fees... but that's still ALOT!!) He'll be able to study Bio Engin overseas for free till PhD, then bonded to an US company!! Luckily he's 2 years younger than me and not same aged as me... he's really v clever!
Ok lar... think I shld sleep soon... kinda late liao.... (it's 2+am now)
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