I need more time... who can gimme?
I think I need to sleep more to improve my mood... which has gotten v bad lately...
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Sometimes it's good to tok to ur parents
I've always believed that nite time will make ppl tok more personal stuffs, I din noe it is also applicable to my father. Reached home @ 11+ & started askin my father regarding my mother, he ended up telling me a short part of his life story. Shan't tok much here since it's personal, =). But I feel v touched by wat my parents are doing for me & my sis, nearly cried when my father was telling me. From this conversation, I noe that being parents are tough jobs. Ok... I knew it long ago, but until today then I realised that wat is in my parents mind are juz me & my sister, they dun really care bout emselves... *sob* So MJ, pls think twice b4 u start making mother nag @ u continuously.
Tt's wat I wanna say today. Pls treasure ur wat ur parents r doing for u.
Tt's wat I wanna say today. Pls treasure ur wat ur parents r doing for u.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Sunday is NOT my mugging day
Woke up @ 12pm... Was trying to configure my laptop for sending print jobs to my Pixma iP3000, which was directly connected to my home PC, cos I haven’t been able to do that. To my relieve, I saw cousin Ping online after 1hr of trying and trying. Was able to settle the printer stuff at around 3+ pm. According to cousin Ping, he said that my DNS entry is pointing to my router, If u dun understand wat I mean, it’s ok, I also dunno wat I mean! I juz know that I couldn’t connect to the PC by the computer name, I had to connect to the PC by IP address. If u still dunno wat I meant, juz noe that I solved my prob, but only with a temporary solution. It’s like no fish, prawns also good u noe?
Anyway Weicong came my house to let my father see his back & also to use my scanner (cos my HP scanner software can convert the scans to pdf file, which is wat he wants). Aft that we asked Steph if she wanna go Orchard with us cos I need to buy a new pair of jeans & WC needs to buy a new wallet. Called Qiulin but she din pick up her phone also. In the end only me & WC went Orchard… Managed to buy my pair of jeans from Giordano @ OG near the @ Orchard Emerald. N yes, that OG is STILL having clearance sale, wonder when will they stop. Anyway, the Giordano there is having a storewide 20% discount, so went there. WC managed to buy a FX Creation wallet at Heeren’s wallet shop. N I finally get to eat my Gelato @ Taka. (Gelato == Italian ice cream, super nice =D). WC diverted all his calls to my handphone cos his phone was on low batt. When we were shopping around Taka, Arpan called WC, which was then diverted to me, I din really think much & picked up the phone when I saw a number that I dun recognise (I din save Arpan’s number B4 this =P) & he was askin for WC. I passed WC the phone & I realised that the person was Arpan. Think Arpan asked him sth like, “Was that Eva?” So WC was explaining to him that he came over to my house to scan sth. Shoots, I hope it’s not another scandal… =’(
Mmm… so conclusions of the day are:
Ok, I supposed that's wat I gotta say today, heh. Oh yah, my labs have finally ended~! Hurray~! 3 cheers~!
Anyway Weicong came my house to let my father see his back & also to use my scanner (cos my HP scanner software can convert the scans to pdf file, which is wat he wants). Aft that we asked Steph if she wanna go Orchard with us cos I need to buy a new pair of jeans & WC needs to buy a new wallet. Called Qiulin but she din pick up her phone also. In the end only me & WC went Orchard… Managed to buy my pair of jeans from Giordano @ OG near the @ Orchard Emerald. N yes, that OG is STILL having clearance sale, wonder when will they stop. Anyway, the Giordano there is having a storewide 20% discount, so went there. WC managed to buy a FX Creation wallet at Heeren’s wallet shop. N I finally get to eat my Gelato @ Taka. (Gelato == Italian ice cream, super nice =D). WC diverted all his calls to my handphone cos his phone was on low batt. When we were shopping around Taka, Arpan called WC, which was then diverted to me, I din really think much & picked up the phone when I saw a number that I dun recognise (I din save Arpan’s number B4 this =P) & he was askin for WC. I passed WC the phone & I realised that the person was Arpan. Think Arpan asked him sth like, “Was that Eva?” So WC was explaining to him that he came over to my house to scan sth. Shoots, I hope it’s not another scandal… =’(
Mmm… so conclusions of the day are:
- Sunday is NOT my mugging day, cos I din touch any of my books
- If u can't solve any Windows problem, pls ask a Windows expert instead of gei kiang (literally means fake clever) & spend v long time on solving ur problem
- I'm only a beginner in Windows...
- If ur fren diverts all his/her calls to u & u see a number that u dunno, pass the phone to ur fren immediately, in case any misunderstandings appear…..
Ok, I supposed that's wat I gotta say today, heh. Oh yah, my labs have finally ended~! Hurray~! 3 cheers~!
Yeeming's 21st bday party
Mmm.... this Yeeming is also called Wong Yee Ming, but he's not the NUS YM, but my CCHS sec3 & 4 classmate. Was invited to his bday party today. As usual I'm late, but my "chauffer", Mr Ye Bingjia is late too. Haha. Was supposed to meet BJ at the bus stop outside VS & opp. Mandarin Gardens, while he was supposed to drive from a party that another of his fren is having.
Digress a while.... I met a weird bus uncle from bus no. 16. He stopped at the bus stop that I was at to flip the bus plate (the bus loops @ the bus stop). I was lookin @ him flipping the bus plate & he asked, "U wanna get on the bus?" I shook my head & he ask where I'm going. Haha. Told him I'm waiting for a fren.
Back to the story. Was on the phone with Aimei when BJ's car arrived, with him & Kunshen! Didn't see Kunshen for such a long time! He wanna go ISE but told him it's quite hard. He couldn't get in by direct entry, so he chose common engin, which means he's coming in next year. Another fren coming into NUS Engin, haha. Anyway, Kunshen dunno YM, he's juz taking a ride on BJ's car cos guess wat? He has another fren having a party @ Aloha Loyang! Haha. Y is the whole world having their 21st bday party today? Steph's fren (think his name is called Ying Ming), whom happened to be Alex's fren also, is having a bday party too! But I supposed Alex is closer to Yee Ming, instead of Ying Ming...
BJ's car was somewhere near the turn to Pasir Ris but his missed the turn. In the end we "hor-lan" abit, made a long u-turn. Then suddenly BJ's fren called. She got locked out of her house cos she got her bag locked in NTU Mass Comm's library ==> no keys to go home and she called BJ to come fetch her to anywhere. V funny ger. She wanted to take a survey on sec sch students having BGR & she asked me & Wenxin if we have siblings who fits the bill.
We reached quite late. We reached ard 9.30pm. I supposed we made a grand entrance. It has been so long (@ least 2 years) since I last saw them: Alex, Peng Xin, Remus, Wen Xin, Zhicheng, and of cos the bday boy, Yee Ming. YM has grown so tall!!!! BJ said he felt intimidated standing beside YM. Haha. (P.S: BJ is 1.77m). Imagine I had to stand beside YM when taking photo? -__- As usual, I'm being mocked by Alex & Remus, for my height... Remus purposely stood behind me & said, "I wanna stand here cos my face wun be blocked!" As for Alex... we were trying to settle down in one of the rooms & BJ sat down on the floor 1st, while Alex asked Wenxin to sit down, followed by Alex askin me to sit down. Then aft I sat down, Alex said, "Orh... no more space to sit liao!" *&^%$#@! They're lucky I can take all these mockings, if not they'll see the 1st time in their life, Haivannas brand slippers flying onto their face.
Was chatting bout school, all the guys are going Engin... cept for Remus cos he's a poly grad. Peng Xin going to NTU Common Engin, Zhicheng going to NTU Chem Engin, Alex going to NTU Comp Engin, BJ going to NUS Chem Engin. Who else? Some1 that I dun really like... *&^%$#@! But that doesn't matter, haha. Anyway, Peng Xin left @ 10pm. We started chatting in the room bout uni (actually me & WX only, haha), how 一鸣惊人 (yi ming jing ren) YM was during sec sch [when our Chinese teacher asked him to go down the steps of the LT cos he made some mistakes on his work, he actually stepped on the tables of the LT (the LT only had my class); when she said she'll tell his parents bout his bad attitude, he said, "U go tell lar! I go burn down ur house!"; somemore which I can't remember], our classmates, gossips, etc etc. Alex also kept asking Wenxin bout hall life in NTU (or rather he keep asking bout gers.... tho he already has a gf!!) Left the place @ 1am & BJ drove me, Wenxin, Bruce & Zhicheng home. Thanx BJ!
This party makes me feel so old again. Makes me (AGAIN) feel like wanna get a bf soon . I think I'm sounding like a despo maniac or sth. But the fact is, all the other 6 gers in my sec3 & 4 class are attached! I'm the only one left. So sad, ='(. Sometimes I wonder... Engin got so many guys, how come none is attracted to me? Is there sth wrong to me? =/ Then again, some day my Mr. Right will come, haha.
Ok, time to sleep. Sun is my mugging day for this week!
Digress a while.... I met a weird bus uncle from bus no. 16. He stopped at the bus stop that I was at to flip the bus plate (the bus loops @ the bus stop). I was lookin @ him flipping the bus plate & he asked, "U wanna get on the bus?" I shook my head & he ask where I'm going. Haha. Told him I'm waiting for a fren.
Back to the story. Was on the phone with Aimei when BJ's car arrived, with him & Kunshen! Didn't see Kunshen for such a long time! He wanna go ISE but told him it's quite hard. He couldn't get in by direct entry, so he chose common engin, which means he's coming in next year. Another fren coming into NUS Engin, haha. Anyway, Kunshen dunno YM, he's juz taking a ride on BJ's car cos guess wat? He has another fren having a party @ Aloha Loyang! Haha. Y is the whole world having their 21st bday party today? Steph's fren (think his name is called Ying Ming), whom happened to be Alex's fren also, is having a bday party too! But I supposed Alex is closer to Yee Ming, instead of Ying Ming...
BJ's car was somewhere near the turn to Pasir Ris but his missed the turn. In the end we "hor-lan" abit, made a long u-turn. Then suddenly BJ's fren called. She got locked out of her house cos she got her bag locked in NTU Mass Comm's library ==> no keys to go home and she called BJ to come fetch her to anywhere. V funny ger. She wanted to take a survey on sec sch students having BGR & she asked me & Wenxin if we have siblings who fits the bill.
We reached quite late. We reached ard 9.30pm. I supposed we made a grand entrance. It has been so long (@ least 2 years) since I last saw them: Alex, Peng Xin, Remus, Wen Xin, Zhicheng, and of cos the bday boy, Yee Ming. YM has grown so tall!!!! BJ said he felt intimidated standing beside YM. Haha. (P.S: BJ is 1.77m). Imagine I had to stand beside YM when taking photo? -__- As usual, I'm being mocked by Alex & Remus, for my height... Remus purposely stood behind me & said, "I wanna stand here cos my face wun be blocked!" As for Alex... we were trying to settle down in one of the rooms & BJ sat down on the floor 1st, while Alex asked Wenxin to sit down, followed by Alex askin me to sit down. Then aft I sat down, Alex said, "Orh... no more space to sit liao!" *&^%$#@! They're lucky I can take all these mockings, if not they'll see the 1st time in their life, Haivannas brand slippers flying onto their face.
Was chatting bout school, all the guys are going Engin... cept for Remus cos he's a poly grad. Peng Xin going to NTU Common Engin, Zhicheng going to NTU Chem Engin, Alex going to NTU Comp Engin, BJ going to NUS Chem Engin. Who else? Some1 that I dun really like... *&^%$#@! But that doesn't matter, haha. Anyway, Peng Xin left @ 10pm. We started chatting in the room bout uni (actually me & WX only, haha), how 一鸣惊人 (yi ming jing ren) YM was during sec sch [when our Chinese teacher asked him to go down the steps of the LT cos he made some mistakes on his work, he actually stepped on the tables of the LT (the LT only had my class); when she said she'll tell his parents bout his bad attitude, he said, "U go tell lar! I go burn down ur house!"; somemore which I can't remember], our classmates, gossips, etc etc. Alex also kept asking Wenxin bout hall life in NTU (or rather he keep asking bout gers.... tho he already has a gf!!) Left the place @ 1am & BJ drove me, Wenxin, Bruce & Zhicheng home. Thanx BJ!
This party makes me feel so old again. Makes me (AGAIN) feel like wanna get a bf soon . I think I'm sounding like a despo maniac or sth. But the fact is, all the other 6 gers in my sec3 & 4 class are attached! I'm the only one left. So sad, ='(. Sometimes I wonder... Engin got so many guys, how come none is attracted to me? Is there sth wrong to me? =/ Then again, some day my Mr. Right will come, haha.
Ok, time to sleep. Sun is my mugging day for this week!
Thursday, March 17, 2005
No mood to study
Mmm... so many things are happening recently, making me still in some kinda shock, and no mood to study. Was able to do all my assignments & lab reports these few days, cos of the urgency. I'm supposed to be studying for my test which will be on this Saturday, but apparently I'm not doing so.
I think the stress I had for the past few weeks all accumulated up & on Sunday, it gave way. Wasn't able to tahan anymore when my father was trying to help me get rid of the pain in my neck (erm... it's literally pain in my neck, not some1 whom I dun like), I supposed the pain activated my tear duct. Mother asked me if I've finished my h/wk & when I told her I still had 2 lab reports to do, she told me not to go school, but stay @ home to do them. But I couldn't! I had another lab session on Mon. I don't know why but my tears juz continued to flow, I couldn't control it. I was so tired I decided to sleep @ 12 on Sun night. The next morn on Mon, my eyes were so swollen that when I saw Tao Heng @ the 96 & 183 bus stop, he tot I've been up all night to do my lab report. Later on, saw Cailing in the VI lab & she asked, "Eva, why are ur eyes so red?" I guessed the cry-prone me has come back, after 3 to 4 mths. Or is it juz my stress being accumulated for too long a period of time?
Thanks to those who showed concern on wat happened. But it's lucky for u to know that this happens u know? Cos u always see the happy-Eva/happy-Mingyan rite? =D Dun worry, the happy-me is back now, cept that I'm still v tired. I've been sleeping quite a lot, but I still feel tired... I NEED QUALITY SLEEP!!! MayB I shld stop day-dreaming so I wun be dreaming of wat I day-dreamed @ nite? As they say 日长梦多, but then again, this doesn't really fit wat I wanna say, I'm crapping, haha. As for wat I day-dreamed about, I didn't, or rather I dunno what I'm day-dreaming about! So u can ignore the last 3 sentences, I told you I'm crapping liao, haha.
MayB I shld stop skipping lectures and start tying & clipping up my hair, bring all my notes and textbooks, ask intelligent questions during lectures, like Carolyn from my lecture group. I wonder what are ppl like her doing in CE, heard she's on a scholarship. Sometimes I feel that CE ppl are super slack cos our assignments' dateline always get extended, like wat Joo say, "Huh? Extend again?!" Haha. But sometimes when I see the ppl sitting right in front of me in lecture, aka Carolyn, her gal fren and this guy who keep nodding his head [P.S: he's not sleeping, he's really nodding his head to agree with the lecturer. N everytime he nods, he does it at a frequency of at least 3Hz (if u've forgotten Physics, 3Hz=3times per s). Kinda irritating, sometimes u juz feel like pushing his head & telling him to stop nodding his head, like wat Weicong said b4], I feel quite stressed up... I seem to be behind time for all my mods. I think my CAPs will drop to 3.0 this sem.... HELP ME!!!!
Was watching the 1/2缘分 (1/2 Yuan Fen), 9pm show on channel 8. The story is quite nice, kinda cliche but well, we all like cliche stuffs once in a while. I think it's quite hard on Jacelyn Tay cos she had to use a La Bi Xiao Xin-voice on the role on Meili, and she has to sloudge! I think Meili & Simon are quite sweet lei, =D, and yah lor, guys nowadays are like Simon, only look @ the appearance of gers. Even when (I think) he fell in love with Meili, he also won't admit it. Think that's y until now I'm still unattached! Haha. Well, some day I'll find my Mr. Right! =D
Ok... shall stop crapping. Anyway, I bought a new Canon iP3000 printer, which has automatic duplex printing at $199 during the IT Show, with a free wireless mouse! Jimmy also bought 1, under my psycho of the automatic duplex!! Haha. This printer is very suitable for a lazybum like me, heh. Time to sleep, =P. Oh yah, do listen to the new song I've uploaded, very sad, but nice song! For lyrics, refer to the previous post
I think the stress I had for the past few weeks all accumulated up & on Sunday, it gave way. Wasn't able to tahan anymore when my father was trying to help me get rid of the pain in my neck (erm... it's literally pain in my neck, not some1 whom I dun like), I supposed the pain activated my tear duct. Mother asked me if I've finished my h/wk & when I told her I still had 2 lab reports to do, she told me not to go school, but stay @ home to do them. But I couldn't! I had another lab session on Mon. I don't know why but my tears juz continued to flow, I couldn't control it. I was so tired I decided to sleep @ 12 on Sun night. The next morn on Mon, my eyes were so swollen that when I saw Tao Heng @ the 96 & 183 bus stop, he tot I've been up all night to do my lab report. Later on, saw Cailing in the VI lab & she asked, "Eva, why are ur eyes so red?" I guessed the cry-prone me has come back, after 3 to 4 mths. Or is it juz my stress being accumulated for too long a period of time?
Thanks to those who showed concern on wat happened. But it's lucky for u to know that this happens u know? Cos u always see the happy-Eva/happy-Mingyan rite? =D Dun worry, the happy-me is back now, cept that I'm still v tired. I've been sleeping quite a lot, but I still feel tired... I NEED QUALITY SLEEP!!! MayB I shld stop day-dreaming so I wun be dreaming of wat I day-dreamed @ nite? As they say 日长梦多, but then again, this doesn't really fit wat I wanna say, I'm crapping, haha. As for wat I day-dreamed about, I didn't, or rather I dunno what I'm day-dreaming about! So u can ignore the last 3 sentences, I told you I'm crapping liao, haha.
MayB I shld stop skipping lectures and start tying & clipping up my hair, bring all my notes and textbooks, ask intelligent questions during lectures, like Carolyn from my lecture group. I wonder what are ppl like her doing in CE, heard she's on a scholarship. Sometimes I feel that CE ppl are super slack cos our assignments' dateline always get extended, like wat Joo say, "Huh? Extend again?!" Haha. But sometimes when I see the ppl sitting right in front of me in lecture, aka Carolyn, her gal fren and this guy who keep nodding his head [P.S: he's not sleeping, he's really nodding his head to agree with the lecturer. N everytime he nods, he does it at a frequency of at least 3Hz (if u've forgotten Physics, 3Hz=3times per s). Kinda irritating, sometimes u juz feel like pushing his head & telling him to stop nodding his head, like wat Weicong said b4], I feel quite stressed up... I seem to be behind time for all my mods. I think my CAPs will drop to 3.0 this sem.... HELP ME!!!!
Was watching the 1/2缘分 (1/2 Yuan Fen), 9pm show on channel 8. The story is quite nice, kinda cliche but well, we all like cliche stuffs once in a while. I think it's quite hard on Jacelyn Tay cos she had to use a La Bi Xiao Xin-voice on the role on Meili, and she has to sloudge! I think Meili & Simon are quite sweet lei, =D, and yah lor, guys nowadays are like Simon, only look @ the appearance of gers. Even when (I think) he fell in love with Meili, he also won't admit it. Think that's y until now I'm still unattached! Haha. Well, some day I'll find my Mr. Right! =D
Ok... shall stop crapping. Anyway, I bought a new Canon iP3000 printer, which has automatic duplex printing at $199 during the IT Show, with a free wireless mouse! Jimmy also bought 1, under my psycho of the automatic duplex!! Haha. This printer is very suitable for a lazybum like me, heh. Time to sleep, =P. Oh yah, do listen to the new song I've uploaded, very sad, but nice song! For lyrics, refer to the previous post
阿桑 - 一直很安静 Ah Sang - Yi Zhi Hen An Jing
空荡的街景 想找个人放感情
做这种决定 是寂寞与我为邻
我们的爱情 像你路过的风景
一直在进行 脚步却从来不会为我而停
给你的爱一直很安静 来交换你偶尔给的关心
明明是三个人的电影 我却始终不能有姓名
你说爱像云 要自在飘浮才美丽
我终于相信 分手的理由有时候很动听
给你的爱一直很安静 来交换你偶尔给的关心
明明是三个人的电影 我却始终不能有姓名
给你的爱一直很安静 我从一开始就下定决心
以为自己要的是曾经 却发现爱一定要有回音
给你的爱一直很安静 想交换你偶尔给的关心
明明是三个人的电影 我却始终不能有姓名
给你的爱一直很安静 除了泪在我的脸上任性
原来缘份是用来说明 你突然不爱我这件事情
做这种决定 是寂寞与我为邻
我们的爱情 像你路过的风景
一直在进行 脚步却从来不会为我而停
给你的爱一直很安静 来交换你偶尔给的关心
明明是三个人的电影 我却始终不能有姓名
你说爱像云 要自在飘浮才美丽
我终于相信 分手的理由有时候很动听
给你的爱一直很安静 来交换你偶尔给的关心
明明是三个人的电影 我却始终不能有姓名
给你的爱一直很安静 我从一开始就下定决心
以为自己要的是曾经 却发现爱一定要有回音
给你的爱一直很安静 想交换你偶尔给的关心
明明是三个人的电影 我却始终不能有姓名
给你的爱一直很安静 除了泪在我的脸上任性
原来缘份是用来说明 你突然不爱我这件事情
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
The farmer and the Englishmen
Heard this story on Yin Yue Ri Ji - Shuo Shuo Er Yi.
Once upon a time there lived a farmer and his wife. They are a very happy couple. One fine day the farmer brought their horse out to the bazaar for trading. He 1st traded the horse with a cow. Then he traded the cow with a goat, then a goose, then a hen, lastly, a big bag of apples that are going to turn bad.
The farmer met 3 Englishmen on his way home. They laughed at him & bet with him 1 bag of gold that the farmer will get a scolding from his wife when he reached home. The 3 of them followed the farmer home & were prepared to receive their bag of gold from the farmer. The farmer told his wife what had happened during the day, & to the Englishmen's surprise, she was very delighted. "Aren't you angry with your husband for getting a bag of rotten apples with your horse?" they asked. She replied by saying when she heard that he exchanged the horse with a cow, she was thinking of how much milk they would be able to get. On exchange of the cow to goat, she thought that goat's milk isn't bad too; a goose means a bag of feathers; a hen means an egg everyday. How about the bag of rotten apples? She thought of how they would be able to enjoy apple pie for that night's dinner.
Of cos in the end the Englishmen lost their bag of gold to the farmer.
Moral of the story: No matter how bad things are, we should always be optimistic and always look on the bright side. =)
Once upon a time there lived a farmer and his wife. They are a very happy couple. One fine day the farmer brought their horse out to the bazaar for trading. He 1st traded the horse with a cow. Then he traded the cow with a goat, then a goose, then a hen, lastly, a big bag of apples that are going to turn bad.
The farmer met 3 Englishmen on his way home. They laughed at him & bet with him 1 bag of gold that the farmer will get a scolding from his wife when he reached home. The 3 of them followed the farmer home & were prepared to receive their bag of gold from the farmer. The farmer told his wife what had happened during the day, & to the Englishmen's surprise, she was very delighted. "Aren't you angry with your husband for getting a bag of rotten apples with your horse?" they asked. She replied by saying when she heard that he exchanged the horse with a cow, she was thinking of how much milk they would be able to get. On exchange of the cow to goat, she thought that goat's milk isn't bad too; a goose means a bag of feathers; a hen means an egg everyday. How about the bag of rotten apples? She thought of how they would be able to enjoy apple pie for that night's dinner.
Of cos in the end the Englishmen lost their bag of gold to the farmer.
Moral of the story: No matter how bad things are, we should always be optimistic and always look on the bright side. =)
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Why do ppl think committing suicide solves problem?
Haven't been updating my blog for like more than 1 wk, can't help it, have been busy with YEP stuffs & also my school work. Actually, I'll be even more busy the coming week, with 2 lab reports and 3 assignment due. But juz had some tots aft watching this channel 8 show which toks about the latest and hotest news in Singapore & interview ppl on the streets on how they feel towards the incident yesterday (the show is called Frontline), on the Tampines family tragedy.
I dun understand why he thinks that committing suicide solves the problem, really dun. But I can understand why he killed his wife & children, tho many ppl thinks that he's too cruel to kill em. But have u wondered wat will happen to his wife & children if he only killed himself? The loansharks will be aft the helpless family without a man, his wife & children will be devastated. Tho I understand, I dun approve, cos it doesn't solve the prob. Ok, it might be able to solve the loanshark prob, but do u noe how many of the family and frenz are left mourning?
I once had an acquaintance in JC, let's name him B, who committed suicide b'cos of BGR. B was from my neighbour class and it was kinda dramatic cos Joycelyn nearly fainted on that day & me & Mrs Lim helped her to the sick bay to rest. On waiting for the other students to be dismissed from morning assembly, Mrs Lim told me that she heard that someone in 26/01 (my class is 27/01) died. Didn't take it to heart since she only said some1 died & "she heard" only. Later on, during the 1st lesson, I was telling my grp of gers when Siti & Yati told me that it was a guy whose girlfren is also in the same class and that the ger is from a particular sec sch. I immediately know that the guy was B & coincidently, this ger stayed v near me, like 1 or 2 bus stops away & I see her almost everyday @ the bus stop to school.
Later on, I heard that the reason was that his gf wanted to break up, b'cos she found another guy whom she likes more & that guy also likes her. B then told her that he dun mind her two-timing him, n I supposed that's wat she did. Then B's mother saw the ger with the guy & forced the ger to break up with B. After the break-up, B committed suicide by jumping off on the 9th storey of his flat. I also heard that when his class went to his wake, his mother used a broom to chase the ger away.
For the next few days, I can see that his classmates were all in a v gloomy mood. I also didn't see the ger for @ least 1 wk aft this incident. The next time I saw her, she was in a daze, walking towards the assembly area and holding onto this piece of paper that's v crumpled. See what I mean by leaving the family and frenz devastated? I was only an acquaintance, and I already felt sad, imagine wat his family feels. 17 years of raising up a child and this is wat they get, nothing but sadness in the end. As for the ger, well, she's happily attached to another guy in her class during year 2, whom I supposed is "the other guy". I'm not saying that she shouldn't get attached for the rest of her life, but the fact is, even if B committed suicide, nothing between B & the ger can be changed.
Moral of the story: If u dun want ur loved ones to be sad, dun commit suicide, there's nothing that can't be solved in this world. And do u noe that committing suicide is an offence (i.e: u died, guilty of a crime) and u'll be handcuffed when ur corpse is being found?
I dun understand why he thinks that committing suicide solves the problem, really dun. But I can understand why he killed his wife & children, tho many ppl thinks that he's too cruel to kill em. But have u wondered wat will happen to his wife & children if he only killed himself? The loansharks will be aft the helpless family without a man, his wife & children will be devastated. Tho I understand, I dun approve, cos it doesn't solve the prob. Ok, it might be able to solve the loanshark prob, but do u noe how many of the family and frenz are left mourning?
I once had an acquaintance in JC, let's name him B, who committed suicide b'cos of BGR. B was from my neighbour class and it was kinda dramatic cos Joycelyn nearly fainted on that day & me & Mrs Lim helped her to the sick bay to rest. On waiting for the other students to be dismissed from morning assembly, Mrs Lim told me that she heard that someone in 26/01 (my class is 27/01) died. Didn't take it to heart since she only said some1 died & "she heard" only. Later on, during the 1st lesson, I was telling my grp of gers when Siti & Yati told me that it was a guy whose girlfren is also in the same class and that the ger is from a particular sec sch. I immediately know that the guy was B & coincidently, this ger stayed v near me, like 1 or 2 bus stops away & I see her almost everyday @ the bus stop to school.
Later on, I heard that the reason was that his gf wanted to break up, b'cos she found another guy whom she likes more & that guy also likes her. B then told her that he dun mind her two-timing him, n I supposed that's wat she did. Then B's mother saw the ger with the guy & forced the ger to break up with B. After the break-up, B committed suicide by jumping off on the 9th storey of his flat. I also heard that when his class went to his wake, his mother used a broom to chase the ger away.
For the next few days, I can see that his classmates were all in a v gloomy mood. I also didn't see the ger for @ least 1 wk aft this incident. The next time I saw her, she was in a daze, walking towards the assembly area and holding onto this piece of paper that's v crumpled. See what I mean by leaving the family and frenz devastated? I was only an acquaintance, and I already felt sad, imagine wat his family feels. 17 years of raising up a child and this is wat they get, nothing but sadness in the end. As for the ger, well, she's happily attached to another guy in her class during year 2, whom I supposed is "the other guy". I'm not saying that she shouldn't get attached for the rest of her life, but the fact is, even if B committed suicide, nothing between B & the ger can be changed.
Moral of the story: If u dun want ur loved ones to be sad, dun commit suicide, there's nothing that can't be solved in this world. And do u noe that committing suicide is an offence (i.e: u died, guilty of a crime) and u'll be handcuffed when ur corpse is being found?
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
When u're studying for ur test, u juz dun feel like studying anymore, esp if u're at home. This is wat is happening to me now. So... I'm blogging now!! Ok, I promise to go back to study after blogging. =D
Since my last 2 entries did not really update u on wat happened during the past wk.. I shall do summary on it ba... I hope it doesn't turn out into an essay =X
Wed, February 23, 2005
Received the email that told me that I'm in Operation Orion. Steph & Weicong din get in -- Steph got into the West Coast CC team & WC din get in cos of his back problem. Steph felt quite upset cos most of the ppl she noes better are in Orion & we were all trying to console her. I'm bad @ consoling ppl btw, felt quite miserable. I even tot of giving up my place for her (cos Qiulin said that Steph was the 1st on the reserve list & Qiulin made a small mistake by not adding Cailing in the list =P) since I could go with Jiali & Joo (& CL cos I tot she din get in also) next time. Later on Steph kan4 kai1 liao. Go read her blog entry here, =P.
Steph & WC came to my house in the afternn btw, cos WC came to see my father for tui na, aka chinese physiotherapy, regarding his back. Aft the tui na session, the 3 of us r supposed to do our Soil Mech essay assignment (due on 25th Feb) together, but we ended up flipping thru my year book & baby photos, haha. In the end we didn't touch our assignment, =X
Thurs, February 24, 2005
Went swimming @ Bedok with Aimei, then we went to shop ard. Decided to make our specs @ this newly-opened shop near the S11 kopitiam. The guy was quite frenly & he explained quite lotsa stuffs to us & gave us a few choices for the lenses, like China-made or Japan-made (of cos the latter is more expensive but it has 1 year warranty for its multicoat while the China-made one doesn't). Luckily I've quite low degree, if not I'll havta spend like $120 like AM on a specs. (I spent $68 on my lenses cos I've a frameless frame with non-multicoat lenses that I can't get used to).
When I reached home, I was supposed to go Xiaonan's house cos the whole Engin Day main comm was there for yun2 tun1 making & eating. But sleep too little + swam 18 laps = headache, mayB 18 laps is quite little for u, but it's quite alot for me to swim within an hour. So I spent my 2pm to 6pm sleeping.... N Jiali told me the yun2 tun1 is nice!! ='(
Fri, February 25, 2005
My mid-term break is over & I had to go school today... Cos me & Cailing have Orion gathering @ 6.45 @ Munchie, we decided to go comp cluster to do our lab report. We ended up playing Neopets & chatting, until a class was going to start in the comp lab. Steph & Weicong left while Qiulin went to clubroom to have her beauty sleep (she slept for only 1hr on Fri morn, 7.30am to 8.30am), me & Cai went Clementi to buy plastic cover for our Soil Mech txtbk (which is a black & white txtbk & cost me $44!!). We done some shopping @ the Big Bookshop & drank our $1 bubble tea! Haha. Went back to NUS & did our lab report @ the YIH CBLC comp cluster.
Anyway, I noe most of the ppl in Orion even b4 the 1st gathering, haha. Cos most of us were CE2 ppl. The meeting was quite enjoyable cos Arpan & Tai Nam were quite jokers, =X. They keep suaning Kelvin tho it was the 1st time Arpan meet Kelvin, haha. The guys drank beer cos it was on some promo or sth, n Arpan made a comment on Indians' faces won't go red when they drink beer & for a moment we tot he's not an Indian & tt he's making a racist joke, turned out that he was juz making a comment, haha.
Sat, February 26, 2005
Used the whole aftnn to try doing my Water Sci lab report... Luckily the concrete lab report's dateline was extended. nothing much to comment on.
Sun, February 27, 2005
This is the day I nearly met an accident lor... If u dunno wat I mean, refer to my previous entry. Went out to study & spent the whole afternn trying to do my CPM tut. Arrrgghhhh!!!
Mon, February 28, 2005
Tho me & Jiali expected our IP lecturer to have a surprise quiz on us, we dun think she'll give it to us this day, cos she is too behind time liao. BUT... she gave us a CLOSED-BOOK quiz!! Luckily it was true-or-false quiz with the reason. Quite easy to do, but u dunno if u're correct or not, juz like my Financial Accounting exam 2 sems ago. Another round of boring presentations by 2 grps. Nothing much really happened, cept that had a meeting with Tai Nam & Candy & I need to submit the marketing propsal for Op Orion to Tai Nam on the coming Fri.
Tues, March 1, 2005
WC treated me, QL & Steph to Swensens! Cos he said last sem, on the morning of our EUA (Enginnering Uncertainty & Analysis, some Maths module that comprises of matrix & statistics) exam, that if he dun buanged this mod he'll treat us to a meal. We somehow seemed to 4get bout this, but I suddenly remember it a few days ago & WC said he'll treat us to Swensens since he has a $40 voucher from M1. In the end we spent $93 on our lunch, which is ard $13 per person aft the usage of the voucher. V sinful day, heh.
Ok. My update ends here. Shall go back to study my Water Sci test which is 20% of the total grades. Wish me good luck!
Since my last 2 entries did not really update u on wat happened during the past wk.. I shall do summary on it ba... I hope it doesn't turn out into an essay =X
Wed, February 23, 2005
Received the email that told me that I'm in Operation Orion. Steph & Weicong din get in -- Steph got into the West Coast CC team & WC din get in cos of his back problem. Steph felt quite upset cos most of the ppl she noes better are in Orion & we were all trying to console her. I'm bad @ consoling ppl btw, felt quite miserable. I even tot of giving up my place for her (cos Qiulin said that Steph was the 1st on the reserve list & Qiulin made a small mistake by not adding Cailing in the list =P) since I could go with Jiali & Joo (& CL cos I tot she din get in also) next time. Later on Steph kan4 kai1 liao. Go read her blog entry here, =P.
Steph & WC came to my house in the afternn btw, cos WC came to see my father for tui na, aka chinese physiotherapy, regarding his back. Aft the tui na session, the 3 of us r supposed to do our Soil Mech essay assignment (due on 25th Feb) together, but we ended up flipping thru my year book & baby photos, haha. In the end we didn't touch our assignment, =X
Thurs, February 24, 2005
Went swimming @ Bedok with Aimei, then we went to shop ard. Decided to make our specs @ this newly-opened shop near the S11 kopitiam. The guy was quite frenly & he explained quite lotsa stuffs to us & gave us a few choices for the lenses, like China-made or Japan-made (of cos the latter is more expensive but it has 1 year warranty for its multicoat while the China-made one doesn't). Luckily I've quite low degree, if not I'll havta spend like $120 like AM on a specs. (I spent $68 on my lenses cos I've a frameless frame with non-multicoat lenses that I can't get used to).
When I reached home, I was supposed to go Xiaonan's house cos the whole Engin Day main comm was there for yun2 tun1 making & eating. But sleep too little + swam 18 laps = headache, mayB 18 laps is quite little for u, but it's quite alot for me to swim within an hour. So I spent my 2pm to 6pm sleeping.... N Jiali told me the yun2 tun1 is nice!! ='(
Fri, February 25, 2005
My mid-term break is over & I had to go school today... Cos me & Cailing have Orion gathering @ 6.45 @ Munchie, we decided to go comp cluster to do our lab report. We ended up playing Neopets & chatting, until a class was going to start in the comp lab. Steph & Weicong left while Qiulin went to clubroom to have her beauty sleep (she slept for only 1hr on Fri morn, 7.30am to 8.30am), me & Cai went Clementi to buy plastic cover for our Soil Mech txtbk (which is a black & white txtbk & cost me $44!!). We done some shopping @ the Big Bookshop & drank our $1 bubble tea! Haha. Went back to NUS & did our lab report @ the YIH CBLC comp cluster.
Anyway, I noe most of the ppl in Orion even b4 the 1st gathering, haha. Cos most of us were CE2 ppl. The meeting was quite enjoyable cos Arpan & Tai Nam were quite jokers, =X. They keep suaning Kelvin tho it was the 1st time Arpan meet Kelvin, haha. The guys drank beer cos it was on some promo or sth, n Arpan made a comment on Indians' faces won't go red when they drink beer & for a moment we tot he's not an Indian & tt he's making a racist joke, turned out that he was juz making a comment, haha.
Sat, February 26, 2005
Used the whole aftnn to try doing my Water Sci lab report... Luckily the concrete lab report's dateline was extended. nothing much to comment on.
Sun, February 27, 2005
This is the day I nearly met an accident lor... If u dunno wat I mean, refer to my previous entry. Went out to study & spent the whole afternn trying to do my CPM tut. Arrrgghhhh!!!
Mon, February 28, 2005
Tho me & Jiali expected our IP lecturer to have a surprise quiz on us, we dun think she'll give it to us this day, cos she is too behind time liao. BUT... she gave us a CLOSED-BOOK quiz!! Luckily it was true-or-false quiz with the reason. Quite easy to do, but u dunno if u're correct or not, juz like my Financial Accounting exam 2 sems ago. Another round of boring presentations by 2 grps. Nothing much really happened, cept that had a meeting with Tai Nam & Candy & I need to submit the marketing propsal for Op Orion to Tai Nam on the coming Fri.
Tues, March 1, 2005
WC treated me, QL & Steph to Swensens! Cos he said last sem, on the morning of our EUA (Enginnering Uncertainty & Analysis, some Maths module that comprises of matrix & statistics) exam, that if he dun buanged this mod he'll treat us to a meal. We somehow seemed to 4get bout this, but I suddenly remember it a few days ago & WC said he'll treat us to Swensens since he has a $40 voucher from M1. In the end we spent $93 on our lunch, which is ard $13 per person aft the usage of the voucher. V sinful day, heh.
Ok. My update ends here. Shall go back to study my Water Sci test which is 20% of the total grades. Wish me good luck!
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