Thursday, June 22, 2006

Halfway there

It's gonna be the end of the 6th week of my VIP... Actually I've been doing my proj on 1 machine only haha.

But anyway, it's pay day~~ Both from company & tuition pay. Heh

Recently I got hooked on Nobuta wo produce, this Japanese show bout this ger, Kotani, who absolutely has no self-confidence @ all & is satisfied with being bullied everyday in school. Then these 2 classmates of hers, Akira (an oddball) & Shuji (a v popular guy, but he's popular cos he noes how to please ppl) decided to help her become popular and call the project "Nobuta wo produce" (Buta == pig, and Kotani's surname is Noboku... so...).

Somehow, there's always this ger with an evil smile, whom we can't see the face, and she'll make a mess out from things that the muskerteers did. But of cos, there's always blessings in disguise. =)

The story really is v nice lah. Though later on 1 of the guys like Kotani and Kotani liked the other guy, but I heard that the "love" part is v minor. I was thinking if there's no "love" part it shld be nicer... Hmm....

Anyway the 2 guys who act as Akira & Shuji are from Johnny Entertainment, this big company in Japan famous for producing popular boy bands (like V6). These 2 guys are actually younger than me... And I realised that as we grow older, we actually get to like artiste younger than us. Haha. I mean... lookin back @ our times, even Jimmy Lin or the members of The Little Tigers are older than us!

And here's the famous quote from NwP: のぶた power! じゅにゅ! (Nobuta power! Ju nyu = Nobuta power! Enter!)

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