This questionaires are taken from Steph's blog, haha
questionaire 11. Name: Eva Lim Meng Yen (Eva isn't in my IC, =P)
2. Piercing: 2 on my right ear, 1 on my left ear
3. Tattoos: Yucks, I dun like tattoos
4. Height: 1.52m.... yes I noe, I'm v short...
5. Shoe size: 4 to 7, most of the time 5, same as Steph, haha, b'cos of how wide my feet are, most of the time I need shoes that fit my feet's width instead of length.
6. Hair color: Brown, supposed to be dark purple but it turned out brown... I might dye it again! Wat colour shld I dye? =D
- LAST -
7. wat u doing: reading Steph's blog
8. song u listened to: 93.3FM, 4got which song they were playing
9. cd u bought: Lee Hom's Xin Zhong De Ri Yue
10. person u called: My aunt, regarding some insurance stuffs, cos she's an insurance agent. If u need to buy insurance, tell me, =D
- DO -
11. u have a crush on someone: for the moment, no, haha
12. u wish u could live somewhere else: for the moment, no. But I've been thinkin bout wat kinda house I wanna stay in when I start to have the ability to buy a house =D
13. u think abt suicide: when I was in sec sch, I supposed most of us does?
14. u believe in online dating: eee... no...
15. others find u attractive: U askin me?
16. u want more piercings: Might wanna have 1 more on each of my ear
17. u like cleaning: I'm a lazy bum, my maid does all the cleaning, =P
18. u write in cursive or print: both... I tend to print when I'm copying notes
19. ever cried over a girl: yes, in pri sch
20. ever cried over a boy: mmm.... yah, but since then I told myself I wun cry for a guy anymore
21. ever lied to someone: who doesn't tell lies?
22. ever been in a fist fight: not fist fight, but I do fight with my sis when we were young, she'll chase aft me with a knife, REAL knife hor, haha
- WHAT -
23. shampoo do u use: Shiseido ultra moisturising shampoo
24. are u scared of: any bugs that flies, lizards, crows
25. number of times i have been truly in l0ve: none, ko-song, zero, ling2
26. number of times i have had my heart broken: mmm.... 5 times
27. number of times my name appear in the newspaper: none
28. number of scars i have on my body: alot of pimple scars on my face, alot of scars left by mosquito bites on my arms & legs
29. number of times i regretted in my life: Twice, both in my JC life, for choosing Econs instead of F Maths in JC, and not running for Student Council in JC
29. 5 letter word: dunno, haha
30. cereal: Coco crunch, honey flakes
31. chewing gum: Lemon flavoured
32. color(s): Blue blue blue!!! =D
33. day(s) of week: Friday
34. least fave day: Monday
35. flower(s): Sunflower, african violet, jasmine (the smell)
36. special skills: Whistling with my teeth, muahahahaha
37. summer/winter: Winter, we've summer all year round in S'pore....
38. gone out in public in ur pyjamas: When I'm young ba. I no longer wear pyjamas
39. cried during a movie: The Land Before Time, the only movie I really cried, but I was so young @ that time, heh. I nearly teared when I was watching Moulin Rouge though
40. been to new york: Nope
41. china: Twice
42. korea: No... But I wanna go!!! Joo!!! Bring us to Korea!! =D
43. europe: For my honeymoon perhaps, haha
44. hong kong : Twice also, I'll go China whenever I go Hong Kong
45. japan: Once, to Hokkaido, imagine eating ice-cream in winter!!! *daydreams*
46. wad time is it now: Erm... wat's the point ah? 1.09PM
47. apples or bananas: Apples, but I like banana milkshake, haha
48. Blue or Red: Blue blue blue, I said that b4, heh
49. wad are u gonna do after this: Do lab report... ='(
50. wad was e last thing u ate: Chicken porridge for my "brunch"
51. wat do u do when u're bored: Play MapleStory
52. last noise u heard: My typing noise?
53. last time u went out of state/province: Er........... so long ago I 4got. I think it was like more than 1 year ago, Sentosa not counted, =P
54. do u want kids one day and if so, how many: 2 or 3 kids, that is if I ever get married, heh
55. most important thing to u in a frenship: Sharing of happiness & woes (I juz translate Steph's only haha), as they say, happiness will be doubled & woes will be halved when u share with some1
56. thing u dislike abt urself the most: I tend to judge ppl by 1st impression & I'm a hypocrite sometimes
57. worst feeling in the world: u noe some1 is sad but u can't do anything
58. who u love: Family n frenz
59. who u miss: My paternal grandmother
60. who u like: Nobody~!
questionaire 2
1.What color is most reflective of you?
reflective? Red I supposed, cos I always laugh, haha
2. How did you get the idea for your friendster name?
eh.... cos it's my name....
3. What time were you born?
4.What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing?
93.3fm is now playing Zhang Zhi Cheng's Bao You Wo, nice song!
5. Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
Mmmm.... no
6.What color underwear are you wearing?
wat a question........
7. Do you want a baby?
Repetitive qn...
8.What does your mom do for a living?
Factory supervisor in a biscuit factory
9. What does your dad do for a living?
Used to be electrician, now a sinseh (Chinese physiotherapist)
10. What is your pet's name?
Are my NeoPet pets considered? BoiKacheek & GerChia, haha
11. What color are your bedsheets?
Blu & Yellow
12 What song are you playing now?
Isn't it the same as qn 4? But now 93.3 is playing Li Sheng Jie's Yuan Zou Gao Fei, nice song also!
14. What was the last concert you attended?
SHE's concert on 8th Jan
15. Who was with you?
My sis
16. What was the last movie you saw?
CONSTANTINE!!! Super nice movie! =D
17. Who do you dislike most at this moment?
Alot lei, =X
18. What food are you craving right now?
I'm super full now aft my chick porridge brunch. No craving
19. Did you dream last night?
I always 4get bout my dreams when I wake up
20.What was the last tv show you watched?
True Courage on channel 5 on Thurs
21.What is your fave piece of jewelry?
My anklet =D
22. What is to the left of you?
A bench for my to dump my stuffs
23. What was the last thing you ate?
Repetitive qn...
24. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?
Dennis Ling Lu Jing. Yes, u still owe me reports on ur life! =/
25. Write a song lyric that's in your head?
带我远走高飞 一起去追 有一个叫做幸福的世界没有泪水
Dai wo yuan zou gao fei, yi qi qu zhui you yi ge jiao zuo xing fu de shi jie mei you lei shui
cos it's the song I'm listening now...
26. What song is that from?
Refer to qn 12
(Where is qn 27?)
28. Where is your significant other right now?
Somewhere out there.... I'm waitin for him to look for me! haha
29. Do you have a crush?
Repetitive qn
31. What shampoo do you use?
Repetitive qn
32. When was the last time you cut your hair?
1 year ago?
33. Are you on any meds?
34. Do you have a mental disease?
Dun have, if not I wun be here typing liao rite?
35. What shirt are you wearing?
TJC Orientation'02 OGL/OGA t-shirt
36. What time is it?
37. What color is your razor?
ah? silver?
38. What is your fave cold beverage?
SEASONS brand ice lemon tea!!
39. Are you sexy?
40. Whats your favorite shopping store?
None, I do window shopping
41. Are you thirsty?
No, cos I'm drinking my coffee-tea
42. Can you imagine yourself ever getting married?
Ok... I think that's it. I spent nearly 1hr doing this, shall go back to my lab reports, haha