Thursday, November 30, 2006
Love is in the air
Feel so happy for her, hehe. I must shout out loud CONGRATS~! Though I know she seldom reads blog. Haha. Weicong commented that I'm the only single one left in the 4-ppl clique.... -_- I know lah, but there's no good men ard mah. Ooopps! Haha. And surprisingly Arpan knows who he is cos of Akido. O_O I think he "caught" the 2 of em b4 together so he knows. And he reminded me that 3/4 of the CE cohort is not attached, which is quite true.
So, wat the *&^%$#@! is wrong with being single?! =/
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
My Creative Zen Vision M
On Thurs, I was thinkin of lookin for a part time job for after my exams and thinkin of continuing it during next sch semester since I'll only have 1 module + FYP left. I then went Creative's website, wanting to see when they have their warehouse sale. Wahlao! The warehouse sale is from Fri to Sun lah! And I saw that there's a trade-in offer for Zen Vision M here:
An offer I've been waiting for... Then I saw the stupid small prints, "Player cannot be flash-based", but my Muvo Slim is...
I was still deciding if I shld go over to the warehouse sale counter and act blur "Huh? I came all the way to Jurong and you tell me cannot trade-in?! I also don't know what is flash-based and what is not, u nv put it in ur website mah..." But then I've been slacking too much so I decided to not go the warehouse sale.
On Sat, went inuovi makeup workshop (yah, yah, I'm learning lah... wat's wrong? =/) with Aimei. I was early so I decided to drop by Marina Square's Creative shop to check the player out cos I haven't really touch the player yet (I was touching one during the last warehouse sale when a promoter came along and wanted to teach me how to use the player, I was paiseh & walked away, lol). To my joy, I saw a poster version of the promo web page, and they stuck a black tape over "Player cannot be flash-based". I went to the counter to re-confirm and they said yes. YAY~! I really had the urge to buy but I tot of waiting since the promo is for 1 mth & I feel v poor recently.
When I went home that afternn I did some calculation. If I choose choice B, there's like an extra $70 discount, plus another $3.50 extra Creative rebate & 2 more lucky draw coupons (yah, I know I'm cheapskate, lol), but I don't need the accessories. I decided to put the accessories that are mentioned on the website on Yahoo auctions, at a $24 discount off the RRP. A few hours later, there was already some1 who bidded the accessories. So on Sun I wanted to buy the player but when I called the customer service hotline, I was told that the player is out of stock @ all the shops... =/
On Monday I called again & the stocks were here. I went down Marina again to buy the player & Xmod (I think it's some external sound card) & went to school. Later @ night the buyer came to meet me in school to buy his Xmod. Weird... He paid $24 less, no lucky draw, no Creative rebate, have to pay for his patrol to come NUS from Yio Chu Kang. But nonetheless, it was nice of him to meet up @ my convenience. Haha.
Sorry for the boring explanations. So now in summary, thanx to Aimei who lent me $300, I officially bought my Creative Zen Vision M for $334 after trade-in~! Hehe. I'll return it to u as soon as I get my MIAP allowance. =D Zen Vision M is not as chio as an iPod video, but M is able to support much more video & audio codecs than iPod, has a radio & recording features which iPod doesn't have. I choose features over looks. MayB also cos I prefer Creative to Apple. Lol. I bought the white one btw, cos there's no blue colour in Asia ='( But I've decided to get a blue silicon skin to make up for that. Lol.
I feel that I'm ultra super duper slack. Muz study hard! 3 papers over 2 weeks is not a good thing for me, esp when my 1st & 2nd paper is more than 1 wk apart. ='( I'm still going Sitex tmr loh!! HAHA. Shall go study now. Good luck to having their papers this wk! My luck is on loan till next Tues morn =D
Friday, November 24, 2006
How would I know the procedures?!
- I'm not married...
- Wth, I dun even have a bf!
- No one that I'm close to is married and divorced
I contacted her poly frens and she'll talk to her tonight during their lessons and contact me.
Anyway, hai... so many problems happened recently. We muz all be strong ok? Rmb we're always around if you need help. =)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Joke of the Day
My MSN display picture:

To protect the identity of this fren, I shall name him "Mr X"... Mr X MSNed me 1.24pm, 21st Nov 06...
Mr X: hey that guy in ur picture look familiar
Mr X: i think i have that picture on my IC
-____- Hahaha, RUBBISH! Super lame, but quite a good joke. Lol. N Mr X, if u're reading this and if u have this picture on ur ic, then y did u go for a plastic surgery even when u're so shuai (ie: ur ic photo)? I really pity u, ur plastic surgery was a v bad one. =X Perhaps u shld have went to Super Sunday to participate in the 超级明星脸 b4 u went for plastic surgery mah, lol.
Ok, joking... No offence ah! =P
Sunday, November 19, 2006
S.H.E - Zen Me Ban
S.H.E - 怎么办
为什么 你为什么
害得我 你害得我
别看我 先别看我
没什么 哪有什么
怎么办 感觉甜又酸
偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单
怎么办 爱却不能讲
你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
你怎么可以这样 笑容打败太阳
我虽然无力抵挡 但是日子还长
为什么 你为什么
害得我 你害得我
靠近我 别靠近我
完蛋了 我完蛋了
Chorus X 2
怎么办 感觉甜又酸
偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单
怎么办 爱却不能讲
你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
Somehow I juz love this song. MayB cos the MV is cute, mayB cos Ella n Wu Zun r the main ppl in the MV, or mayB the song is juz too apt for me. Lol. Anyway here's the MV
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Presentation Intro Video and Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nv
I then edited the videos and added some sound effects, super proud of my work can?!
But oh well, we didn't really get the whole-class-laughing-at-the-video effect... =(
But it's ok! Cos the show I've been wait for is finally gonna be on TV!!
花样少年少女!! U may say it's another Ou Xiang Ju from Taiwan and it won't be nice. But I really like Ella's acting, she got nominated as Best Female Actress for the Golden Bell Awards leh! I juz LUV her acting in 蔷薇之恋 aka The Rose.
Anyway the show's bout a ger called Ruixi and she admires a high-jump contestant Quan, went back to her homeland (
The guy who acts as Quan is called 吴尊 (Wu Zun). He's the guy on the right, with the school coat on and he's very shuai! It's like the more I see him, the more shuai I think he is! Lol. (Btw, he's a Burmese). His blog can be found here: and u can see how shuai he is.
As for the guy who acts as Xiu Yi, he's called 汪东城 (Wang Dong Cheng). He's quite cute (P.S: Shuai & cute r 2 diff things) but he's abit the AA. Lol.
I've bookmarked the trailers for the show on Youtube and you can watch em here!
Oh! The show will be on a Taiwan channel on 19th Nov... which means it won't be available in Singapore, but I've my means of getting the show =D If all fails, there's still Youtube. Lol
Anyway here's the official site:
Happy happy! =D =D =D Ella rox!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Really tiring to have a big mouth
03.25AM: I shan't ill-treat myself. I don't think I can tahan not going MSN for 3 days anyway =X. Thanx for hearing me out and trying to crack lame jokes to cheer me up =D
Friday, November 10, 2006
Hate the feeling of being taken for granted
Why is it that I get the feeling of being taken for granted by her? I mean even if I consider her as one of my close frens, she doesn't even know that my blog exists, she doesn't know what the hell is happening to my life. And for the past few years, I've seen her less than 10 times. It's like whenever she calls me, I know that either she needs my help or there's something not right going on.
Around 1 wk before my grandma passed away, she called me, askin me to give her a tuition on A Maths cos she didn't take it in sec sch. I told her to come to my house since I was busy during that time. She refused, askin me to go somewhere near her house instead, and commented sth like "10 years of friendship". I agreed to since I was planning to go Sim Lim Square to get sth.
On that day, I met her @ a Mac near her place. I told her I was planning to go visit my grandma aft the tuition. But in the end I under-estimated the tuition duration and didn't have enough time to visit my grandma. Later @ night I SMSed her saying my grandma passed away. Only got a reply from her and no more news from her till end of that month...
"10 years of frienship" is always what she used to threaten me. I really hate it. I hate this feeling of being threatened. And worst. She's using FRIENSHIP as a threat. I think if she ever uses it again I'll scream @ her.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Aftermath of Death Note

Haha. I made em out of boliao-ness. L quite easily recognise though. Lol. And here's mine!

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Shrinking MSN nickname
Follow the rules:
- muz have chinese words right before ™
- muz have → aft ™
- words aft → muz all be chinese words
eg: Amgo 明妍™→ 为什么?
Lol. U can replace the ™ with any superscripted symbols. Here's a screenshot:
Try it!