Ok, I'm abit bored, so I'm trying to be lame. Haha. Yah, I was mapping modules for my SEP. Haha. It's such a time-consuming business that I've to do it for 1 whole week... -_- Oh btw, I'll be going for SEP next sem to City University of Hong Kong. So exciting!! I'll be going to 买东西吃东西,买东西吃东西 (aka buy stuffs, eat stuffs, buy stuffs, eat stuffs)!! Haha. Well anyway that's not the reason for me to choose HK. I chose HK cos it's an Asian country, so $ spent will be lesser than European countries. Furthermore I've relatives in HK, so I can stay in their house! Hee. But I'm not confirmed going yet lar. Shall juz submit all the forms then slowly think...
Oh yah, I also joined this Sports Buffet with Amy, Cailing, Jiali & Joo. We paid $90 for 2 months & we can go any number of the classes in the timetable. The classes includes Yogalites, Pilates, Hip Hop & Aerobics Kickboxing...
Ok, let's count down on wat I did for the past 1+week...
18th Aug Thurs
Went for 2 classes of hip hop classes. Wah, hip hop is really v hard to dance lor... Can't seem to dance well. So I juz heck care lar, anyhow dance. Aft that we were supposed to give Amy a surprise celebration. But well, b4 the hip hop class starts she already asked me & Jiali, "So where's my cake?" *faints* I think the only surprise is there's no celebration. Haha. Yah so aft that Amy & Joo went to shower while the rest of us eat dinner. Amy came back b4 Joo lor!! Anyway here's the cake...
The rest of the photos are in Jimmy's camera. Anyway the rest of em went Sports Bash @ Gotham Penthouse. Finally somewhere new for NUS ppl. It has been like Chinablack or Rouge... I didn't go for Sports Bash cos I dun wanna waste $ on cab. I've already wasted $ on sth else which u'll noe if u read on... ='(
14th Aug Sun
Last min decision to go watch fireworks with Lisheng & Zhao Yong (& also Lisheng's campmates). Here's the nicest pic I took:
Got a v bad position, also b'cos I tot the place is the same as last year, so we were facing the wrong direction... This pic was taken when the last few golden fireworks were shot (yah, u realised every year they have the v big & golden fireworks as the last few shots?) Anyway it was fun lar, I always like to watch fireworks. I think the best was last year around the same time. The best position I've ever have for watching fireworks. Think me & Jiali were heng lar, there was juz a spot on the grass for 2 ppl & no 1 is standing in front to block!!
Aft fireworks-watching, we strolled back to Suntec cos I tot I saw OP skorts selling @ $19.90. Turns out that it's the t-shirts beside the skorts that selling @ $19.90. The worst thing was... I only know that the pair of skorts is selling @ $38 when I was paying for it... -_- Stupid me. Well, juz my luck. I shall wear the pair of skorts until it has holes on it. Haha. Btw skorts = skirt + shorts, some kinda hybrid word... And yah, the pair of skorts was the thing that I wasted $ on... *&^%$#@!
13th Aug Sat
Ruilin's bday party~!~! Went to buy her present in the aftnn b4 going to her chalet. These are the ppl from CCHSM 4Harmony'00 who went....
Realised that I'm the only ger (other than the bday ger)? Cos our class only had 7 gers lor, remaining 21 were guys... 3 times lei!!
The guys look the same man. And out of 10 ppl here, how many are in Engin? 5, including me & the bday ger, but only 2 are in NUS... 3 guys went poly while the rest went JC (Hmmm... I 4got wat course they went in poly! =X) And they still like to joke bout my height... -_-
Ruilin had some nice deco in her chalet actually...
Her junior did the balloons for her!! I saw him twisting and turning a balloon into a bear!! And what do I know how to do? Only a dog...
By the time we reached the cutting cake ceremony, we're left with:
Cos 2 of em got other parties to go. Haha. The disadvantage of having parties on wkends. Haha. And yah, can see that her cake is super big, 5kg!! I think aft that she havta eat the cake for dunno how many breakfasts. Hehe.
Oh yah woman! Today is ur actual bday! Happy 21st bday~! Like wat I've written on the card, adult liao hor, dun AC anymore ok? =X
12th Aug Fri
Njord OG lunch today. Quite shocked that we have ard 10 ppl for this lunch. I didn't even expect 5 ppl to turn up. David was tryin to jio ppl to go NUSSU's jam & hop for that nite. No one was interested. Sad case, he was like askin in such a ke lian way. Haha. Then he continued to try jio ppl to go Temasek Hall bash for that nite. Finally Joanna found friends to go & the 2 of them with Deren decided to go chiong.
As for my nite activity that nite, went to watch meteor shower with Lisheng, Zhao Yong, Yisi, Steph & Arthur. Met ZY earlier cos LS & YS has Rovers Club welcome tea while Steph only told me later that she's coming with Arthur.
Was on the phone with Aimei cos Candy juz called me to ask if she should buy a Creative Zen 20Mb @ $399 (it was on sale @ Courts @ Suntec) & I called AM to discuss with her bout it. Then AM asked me where I'm supposed to meet ZY & when I told her that I'm meeting him @ East Coast Mac, she insisted that I shld meet ZY b4 the underpass... =/ So she smsed ZY & he called me in the end. So we started a 3-way conference call. 5 min later Candy called & said she bought the Zen liao... *faints* Was lookin for ZY but can't seem to see him & he was complaining that he can't see me also. In the end when I found him, he still held on the his phone (cos AM was on the line also)... -_- N when he speaks into the phone, there was like a 1sec lag from when he speaks to when I hear his voice from the phone. V confusing!! Haha.
When we reached East Coast @ ard 10, ZY lead the way cos I dunno that place well. We planned to watch the meteor shower @ this extension near the yellow lighthouse (I dunno how many lighthouses there are in ECP...). It looks kinda like a jetty (but it isn't). N ZY had to lead me a way to walk thru the sand & disturbing a few couples sitting on the benches by the beach, when we could have walked on the pavement...
We're unlucky man... it was super cloudy. Then the sky started to clear abit, then cloudy again. Blah blah, the cycle repeats. Ok lar, @ least I saw the Scorpio constellation & this constellation that has a teapot that ZY was pointing to me to (I 4got constellation name, sorry ZY! =P). I regretted not bringing a star map to Sri Lanka. We could see SOOOOO many starts over there. Hai... Steph & Arthur reached aft ard 1 hr later & we were praying for the sky to clear. the cloudy-clear cycle stopped @ cloudy when LS & YS reached. Aaaahhhh!!
We waited till 2+am & gave up & started to fall asleep. I woke up @ 3+am to go toilet (the toilet there sux... n it's so eerie, with the sea breeze blowing), saw Mars on this small patch of cleared sky, chatted for a while then went to sleep again @ 4+am. We woke up @ 6+, walked to MacDonalds for breakfast. We walked past so many grps of ppl doing Tai Chi, some Ah Peks swimming in the sea etc etc. Anyway it was a nice breakfast, my only consolation aft a night of disappointment...
Aft that went home to sleep for a while b4 going out to buy Ruilin's present...
11th Aug Thurs
Celebrated Jen's SUPER belated bday... She treated us @ Munchie Monkey. Bought her a cake, as usual it's from Bengawan Solo.... =/But well, it's the tot that counts rite?
Jen looks so blissful here. Pls ignore Amy's arm on the side. Haha. It was fun to have all the 10 of us eating together again. =D. Hmmm... but the grp photo is in Jen's camera (we gave it to her as her bday present. Her boyfren, Ru De, coordinated everything, so sweet!! =) ).
Aft that, me, Amy, Cailing, Charles, Gord, Joo, Merv went to a mini rock concert @ UCC. Denise & Utt were there!!!!
The pix weren't v good, can't seem to get a good shot of em... I look like a paparazzi rite? Haha. Anyway the audience in the pic (excluding Joo, her side view was taken into the pic, haha) were v nice! They got 6 1-for-1 Spinelli voucher & they gave 3 to us cos they only have 3 ppl. YAY~~ So nice.
Anyway I left the concert @ 9+. But I missed a good show aft this, cos Charles was asked to go up on stage & eat cream cakes w/o using his hands (the middle one is Charles)...
Photo courtesy of Amy's K500i.
10th Aug Wed
Went to watch Charlie & the Chocolate Factory with Amy, Charles, Jiali, Joo, Merv & my sis.
How come my sis rite? I bought 6 tix, including 1 for Jen. Later on Joo smsed me & say she also wanna go. So I asked Charles to help book the tix since he's @ home. Then when the transaction was loading (he already keyed in the Visa card number etc etc), an error page came up. Then Charles had to call up GV to ask. Later on Charles cfm with me that the tix were booked, but aft that Joo told me that Jen can't go cos of her tuition. *faints* So I had to sponsor my sis for the movie so that the ticket won't come to a waste lor. Haha. It's an disadvantage to be the eldest/elder sis... =/
Anyway I like the movie!! My sis also. Dunno y the rest dun like... MayB cos I like the book since young lor. Haha.
Think that's all for updates. I'm falling asleep liao, VERY sleepy....
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