Went KTV in the morning. Jiali looks abit ghostly here (cos I was taking the picture then she suddenly moved to make the peace sign). Haha.
We woke up early for KLunch but we're still feeling happy! =D Cos it has been a long time since any of us went KTVing... But stupid KBox... they told us that we didn't make any reservations so we can only sing till 1.30pm. How come got such a regulation one?! *&^%$#@! Then when me & Amy reached the place (Jiali, Joo & Merv were on their way), the system had problems!! Wasted our 15min... In the end we still had to leave @ 1.40pm.
We met the rest @ 2.32pm (Charles set the time one... he has a weird habit of setting weird time, haha) @ PS, so we strolled and strolled from Cineleisure to PS.
Jimmy reached PS b4 any1 & he helped us reserved seats @ Manhattan Fish Market. Merv chose the place & since he's the bday boy, we had to agree with him lor, =/.
The food was not bad but Fish n Co. serves nicer food than Manhattan. But well, their service is very good! They allowed us to bring in cake from Swensens & even brought us plates & knife for cake-cutting and -eating. But the knife is so butcher-knife-looking....
It looks like the kinda knife a serial killer uses, as demonstrated by Amy below....
I was so damn scared of that knife can? So sharp! But a sharp knife is good for Swensen's ice-cream cake. Cos as u can see..... Merv is cutting the cake here...
He's trying VERY hard to cut the cake, even with the super sharp knife....
Something I found out... Why did Merv only fold up 1 side of his sleeves? Haha. I know I abit digress lar, =P.
Anyway here's some candid shots...
Jimmy is trying to get near Merv, wat's he gonna do?!
He's trying to kiss Merv!! *gasp*
I wonder how Charles was feeling when he was looking @ these 2 guys flirting. Haha. On seeing Jimmy kissing Merv, Joo decided to see if Merv is really that delicious...
And of cos! Jiali is our official cake-cutter mah, so muz take her photo when she cut the cake!
And here's our group photos...

Merv wanted to differentiate himself as the bday boy, so he put on the hat that Joo fold for him. But he blocked Charles!! So we took another photo....

But I look like I'm falling asleep cos I juz blinked.... -_-
Anyway... STUPID GORD!! He went supper on Fri nite & he overslept on Sat, so he didn't come in the end. BOO!! =/
That was on Sat... On Fri... I went to yet another bday party, Candy Ho's bday party @ SAF Changi Chalet. That place was very ulu!! I took 154--> 2--> 29. When I got on 29, I saw Lay Kiat, Josh & Kel Koh, who took 29 from Tampines. They were like, "Why on earth are u boarding the bus @ such a ulu place?!" Haha. And they had no idea where to alight. Luckily I came well prepared! I had a printed A4 size piece of paper with bus 2 & 29 guide on it. Josh tot it was notes... DUH.
Yah anyway... 1 of Candy's frens look like Yiling (my LEO club fren). But I dun dare to go ask her cos she dun look like she noes me... Haha.
Yiping was also invited and I started gossiping with her when I saw her.
Anyway... here's a pic on Candy when she was making her speech...
And we finally get to see her boyfren! And also it's the 1st time I see Candy in make-up & wear so nicely! Cos she's always so garang mah, so nv see her lydat b4, haha.
Well well, think that's nearly all. B4 that... I saw this rainbow outside my house on Tuesday (23rd Aug).... Actually my sis saw it but she told me one lar, haha...
I quickly took pix of it b4 it disappeared since it was in the evening already...
Ok, gtg shower then go eat lunch with colleagues liao. But I skipped GEM lect today. Hehe =P.
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