Wednesday, October 28, 2009
ASAP or Asap (read as Ah-Sup)?
Anyway just to remember something funny that happened on Monday, Annie and I ordered delivery for dinner from Himawari. I told the lady on the line that I would like them to send the order now, and she told me that she'll send it ASAP, will take around 45min. Alright, sounds reasonable.
And 45min later, the deliveryman came, he called me, telling me that he's at the lobby. I reached the door and saw Sichuan coming in from the lobby. I saw the deliveryman, and took our dinner from him.
Later on Sichuan told Annie and I what happened at the door,
SC: Who are you looking for?
DM: *fishes out receipt* I'm looking for this person... *points to a word on the receipt* Ah-Sup
SC: *stunned* this is ASAP, as soon as possible...
I've a new nickname now. Haha
Monday, September 14, 2009
Falling asleep on the bus
Then the lady shouted,"Excuse me!! Do u want to sleep elsewhere?!"
Wah, so fierce... The whole half of the bus turned around and looked at em.
Actually wat will u do if this happens to u? Hmmm...
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Bus broke down
But guess wat? I was told by a bus 63 bus driver, "Oh u can't use this, we're different company"...
Luckily the bus ticket is valid for 1 month
Sunday, August 02, 2009
I finally did things I've been wanting to do
And I finally threw away 3 bags of old shoes with my sis and arranged them into boxes, and taped pictures of the shoes onto the boxes for easy identification
The mess during the packing up:
Forgot to take a photo of the neat shoe rack. Haha. Shall take it tomorrow
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Welcoming myself to the mid-twenties club
Was kinda shocked at the first few people who wished me happy bday cos most of em are either not-that-close friends or friends who don't seem to remember ppl's bday. Haha
But well, I enjoyed my bday! =D
Thanks to the foursome who dropped by my house for the "surprise" donut giving ceremony, much appreciated although I really can't eat the donuts! (Maybe 1 for tomorrow's breakfast, haha)
Actually really, I'm not affected by close friends forgetting my bday cos I realise once we start working, we don't remember the dates anymore - everyday is just Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and TGIF. So in fact having people remembering my bday is a plus point, so thanks to all the wishes & pressies! =D
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Singa the lion is sick?
Singa is a responsible citizen because he wore a mask! Heh heh
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Cheap DIY Netbook accessories
And then I bought a 8.9" Gateway netbook @ $688 with 3-years warranty a few weeks back. =X
I dun really like the glossy surface so I wanted to make a skin for it, and I found this webby: which I find that $18 for a laptop skin was alright, and the shop's very reputable with the users on HWZ
But they don't really have the kinda design I want -_-, and customised designs are at +$12, which means a skin for my small lappie cost a bloody $30!!
I buay gam wan, and started to look for cheaper alternatives and I don't know how, but I managed to find it!!

Ok, I admit, I'm also trying to get referrals, haha, but this is really quite cheap! Once u register, u can get anywhere between US$1 to US$5 of deposit, and the skin ranges from US$10.90 to US$15.90, depending on the type of skin u want (I bought the "Finest Vinyl" material which cost US$11.90). The skin even comes with 2 smaller skins for ur wristpad. U can also upload any picture u want, and when people buys ur design, u get US$1 in ur account.
I found a nice design online, resize it to fit my netbook's resolution, and uploaded it, and ta-dah! It's uploaded!
Anyway, the website really looks a bit dodgy, cos it looks like some Chinese scam site with all the description in poor English, which looks obviously being translated from Chinese. But I was thinking since it's not like hundreds of $, I gave it a try, and made my order on 15th Apr.
The skin arrived on Wed by registered mail, packed safely (it's not nicely packed though, I had a hard time tearing the envelope apart) between 2 blocks of styrofoam. The bad point is some parts of the skin was folded =( But all in all it was good. Anyway here's the pix of my lappie after I carefully cut and paste the skin (ignore the mess behind pls)!
Quite easy to apply, and took 30min of my time to cut and apply the skin.
Btw, not sure if u can see it from Photo 2, but I've also pasted a screen protector, and guess how much is it?
And where did I get such a good deal? From of cos! And the item is here:
This is another website that looks dodgy, I mean, free shipping for ALL items? Sounds to good to be true... But anyway, must thank Jiali for introducing this website... It all started out when the 2 of us bought DS Lite, and were looking at the DS Lite accessories, and her bf gave her this website. So to try out, I bought a set of 4 extendable stylus while Ah Li bought a set 3 USB charging cable. We really did receive the items.
Since then I've been buying quite a lot of stuffs from haha
But anyway back to the topic, applying a screen protector is so much harder cos it's affected by any small speck of dust... The trick is to have a roll of tape with u, and if u see bubbles that u can't seem to get rid off at all, use the sticky portion of tape, stick it on the sticky side of the screen protector (on the bubbled spot), and lift it away to remove the dust. But I've to say I didn't apply it perfectly cos it isn't positioned nicely, and somehow I made a dent on the screen protector. Haha
Oh, and not to forget I needed a pouch to contain my lappie cos the one that comes with the lappie sucks. Tried to look for something on and this caught my eye:
But neh, I've got even better deals. I went to Daiso, and got a B5 size cushioned pouch for my lappie. $2. U can roughly see it in Photo 2, placed under my lappie. It doesn't fit perfectly, but at least it's suitable.
So anyway the damage for a cheapo person like me...
Skin for cover + skin for wrist pad - $18 + 30min
Screen protector - $6 + 30min
Pouch - $2
Total - $26 + 1h
As compared to paying $30 for a customised skin right from the start!
But anyway, not saying that lappyskins.blogspot is not good. If u find a nice design that u like on their site, why not? $18 to protect ur laptop that costs so much, I think it's worth it
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Now I know...
Now I'm glad I've strict parents who taught me the right things since young, and having parents that nags at me when I sleep late, cos it just shows that they care about me.
I shall not say more, but nevertheless, I'll still continue to nag at other ppl like my sis (u jiayou ah, ur year 1's ending soon!). Muahahaha!
But does it make me more auntie?! Argh. The other day in the lift again!!
Saga 1, 1 year ago in the lift, I still had permed hair at that time... Boy A pressed the lift button, but his mum wasn't ready yet so he asked me to go down 1st. Mum A then ran over and both of em joined me in the lift. Mum A tells Boy A, "U know, that's very good of u to ask auntie to go down 1st b'cos u thought Ma couldn't make it to the lift in time." ARGHHH. So I take it that it was my hair that made me looked old.
Saga 2 some work day during the past wk (although I've been working 7 days straight for the past week): Mum A & Mum B with Boy A & Boy B1 & B2 walks in on 6th floor. Boy B1 keep jumping about and jee siao B2. Mum B to B1, "Aye! Stop it! There's someone else in the lift! See! There's another auntie in the lift"
WAT THE HELL!! Stupid mums. Cannot see properly is it?! I nearly wanted to say "JIE JIE LAH! WAT AUNTIE?!"
I digressed but I just wanna complain that these mums are blind. Grrrr
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Close friends or just friends?
And when u've big grp of frens, of cos there tend to be smaller cliques, and some that u're not that close to as compared to others, whom u'll feel awkward to go out alone with even though u're supposed to be "close friends"
And then there are some that only complains and/or share their woes, but when something good happens to them, u know nothing about it. Giving them the benefit of doubt, they were too happy that they forgot about u. And then comes 1 fine day, something happens to them again and they start lamenting. And then it suddenly dawned on u that u didn't know anything that happened between the 2 complained/lamented situations, then u start asking qns which u think aren't inappropriate but u get no answers.
And u start wondering.... is that considered as "close"?
As a saying goes, when u share ur happiness it's doubled, when u share ur woes it's halved. But when only woes are shared, are u supposed to feel glad that u were chosen to be confided in?
I don't know about u, but I can't help but feel used, and sometimes I feel like I'm a monkey in a cage, trying to entertain ppl.
Anyway it's just a thought cos it didn't happen only once, but quite a few times on a few ppl, so I'm sorta complaining.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Happy April Fools Day!
Went to Youtube after Rosemary told me bout it. And everything was upside down after you click on any video on ur Subscription or Recommendation, sth like this:

And if you click on "Tips for viewing the new layout" it goes to and says:
At YouTube, we're always looking to improve the way you watch videos online. As part of that, today we're excited to introduce our new page layout. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your new YouTube viewing experience:

Of course, if you prefer the way things used to be, just click the "I prefer the old-fashioned layout!" when watching a video.
Happy April 1st!
Quite amused. Haha.
This Apr Fools Day went on without any big thing happening though, so boring...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Stubborn or logical?
The last time I spoke to him..... Sec 3 maybe?
Didn't expect that I'll see him after so many years... I don't know about him, but I felt quite awkward when I saw him today, so I didn't wanna strike a conversation 1st, but he recognised me - he called me 小姐, and asked me if I'm Mingyan, but I guess the "小姐" part was out of courtesy cos of his job, haha.
I guess my friendship with him was weird to start with - he was after my good fren J at that time and she treated him quite badly. Don't remember what had happened but we became quite close friends, and that was when I had a small crush on him (yes, just a small one). It so happened that J started to like him and found out about my small crush and wrote a weird letter to me, saying that she knows based on looks and figure wise she win me, but I'm closer to him =/.
Sidetrack a bit, yah, I suppose u can guess it much, I'm not longer in contact with J anymore except for Facebook. Something more happened that made us drift apart.
Anyway, the crush ended somehow but we had a quarrel cos he refused to help me with something, which I felt at that only he could do it, and it made me recall that I was the one who was trying to keep the friendship alive, and so I stopped talking to him, thinking that he'll
regret. But I nv had an answer to that.
I wonder... if I had decided to give in and start talking to him, would our friendship have continued? Or would it have ended similiarly like this b'cos only 1 side is accomodating most of the times? I guess my decision then was both stubborn and logical. Haha
Anyway, I felt so awkward that I forgot to get his contact number from him, maybe I'll go back to where I saw him some time later
Friday, January 02, 2009
Hi-Bye friends getting friendly suddenly
And everytime my intuition is correct-- they are now insurance agents and/or financial consultants. These are the most common job amongst the people I know, after engineers that is.
And the funny thing is most of these people took an engineering degree in uni.... Now come to think of it, even quite a few of my close friends who got their engineering degrees aren't doing anything related to engineering. Lol
It's an easy way in, but it's a tough way out, that's why I don't understand why some people thinks they can get away with bad grades in A levels and anyhow take an engineering degree, I've nv ever heard of easy life for engineering students, haha