Tuesday, May 04, 2010

I am so so so bored

I keep getting weird people adding me on MSN, you know, those kinda emails that only takes you a glance to know that it's a scam/spam.

I arrived back at my hotel at 7+pm and felt kinda bored. And 1 of the weird emails started talking to me, plus I was kinda curious who's behind all these, so I started to test out the person cautiously...

And because I'm bored, I managed to google something about this and found somebody's blog with the same incident:

Talk about no creativity...

and the girl really thinks she's talking to a real person, cos her title was "Pervert"

Anyway conclusion is: I'm bored... maybe I should continue "working" on the next MSN scammer/spammer

1 comment:

Santa Wordsworth said...

Haha, I get them all the time too, lots of people with really nice sounding names like Virginia Thornbank etc.. but yeah.
Anyway.. you posted this on my birthdayyy :D